30┃the enemy of my enemy

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"I FEEL LIKE I JUST HEARD A SOAP opera," Lizzie expressed, horrified by all the events Mila recounted. "Murders left and right, enemies turned lovers, evil twins, mistrust, betrayal, and even more betrayal. If you both were Hispanic, this would be a hit, I'm just saying."

"I'm glad that's what you got out of everything I said," Mila stated. Her chin was in her palm, watching Lizzie process everything.

Lizzie abruptly transitions into a serious persona, almost as if she caught herself not being considerate. She straights her posture and looks over at the recently-turned human with sincerity. "So... do you really think this time is different? That he's changed?"

"It's been a very long journey. It's taken years for us to get to this point, but yeah. I think we're both ready. Finally."

"So no more Spanish soap opera?"

"Sí. Tu tio esta loco pero lo amo," Mila confirms, her tone exaggerated and dramatic; she'd even placed a hand over her heart for effect. Lizzie scoffs, rolling her eyes.

The siphoner still didn't quite comprehend how Mila had been capable of forgiving him, but she did understand what they had been through and what took place to get them here. Lizzie supposed that if you loved someone enough, you knew when to let go and when to hold on. And sometimes, when you let go, you end up finding your way back to each other. Lizzie could definitely take away that from their story.

Mila could tell that now that everything was out on the table, she had at least somewhat mended fences with Lizzie. She did not expect her to be completely be on board with Kai, because one explanation didn't erase all the awful things he had done, but she hoped it would dissolve the strain between the two of them personally. Mila did not like being on bad terms with Lizzie.

"Since we are getting things off our chests, there's probably something I should mention. But! You're not allowed to get mad. I did this with good intentions." Lizzie raised her pointer finger to enhance her clarification.

"What is it?"

"I may have... slipped something into Kai's drink. A potion. Something that enhances his deepest desires and reveals his true intentions and makes him act on them."

"What?" There's an edge to Mila's voice.

"I just wanted to make sure he wasn't stabbing us all in back! Plus, at least this way we'll really know if he's changed." Lizzie attempted to point out the bright side while the scowl on Mila's face deepens. "Remember, I almost died yesterday. So, again, you can't be mad at me."

"You shouldn't have done that, Lizzie. Forcing him into that state of mind where he can't hold himself back could put him and others in danger. Not to mention, you went behind my back and-"

"Is that an engagement ring on your finger?" Lizzie interrupts, her jaw going slack in shock.

Mila looks down to see both of her hands flat against the counter, a movement that must of happened unconsciously during their conversation. The diamond on her left hand glimmers against the granite countertop. When she peers back up at Lizzie, it's with an o-shaped mouth and sheepish eyes.

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