~Chapter 44~ The Wedding Pt. 2

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Season 3 - Special

~The next day~

It was late morning the next morning which was only 30 minutes until Kesi's wedding. I was rushing the morning patrol because I was a little nervous about Kesi's wedding and I still had to come up with a lie to tell my dad. I was gonna have to tell him I have to leave the Southlands for a bit. "Uh, Kia? What's the rush?" Naju asked looking at me. "What do you mean?" I chuckled nervously. "You know what he means, Kia," Asha glared with a bit of annoyance in her voice. "It's just that I patrolled in the middle of the night so I don't really see the need to do it again." I lied, not looking at them and just looking straight ahead. "What?! You already patrolled at midnight?! Why didn't you tell us that before we went on patrol and got in the middle of the Southlands?!" Asha and Naju asked madly. "We could've been doing something else right now!" Kabira yelled calmly. "Yeah, like practicing our skills!" Kesi yelled. I knew Kesi was just going along with it so that she wouldn't look suspicious, too. "You guys can go do what you want to do now." I exclaimed as I ran off winking to Kesi as a sign to follow me. The rest of the Lion Guard looked at each other confused. But they just shook it off and did their own things.

~In South Rock~

"You're going where?" Dad asked confused with a raised eyebrow. "Daaad, I told you. We're going to the Snow Empire for a little bit. We wanna go... um...-" I tried to come up with something then Kesi interrupted, "Sightseeing," Dad looked at us with a... well, some kind of look on his face and just sighed and said,  "I'll never understand you girls. OK, how long are you going to be gone? If it's longer than a day, I'll get the temporary Lion Guard." Dad said. Kesi looked at me with fear then I led her over by the wall to whisper real quick. "The wedding shouldn't be longer than 30 minutes to an hour."  Kesi whispered to me. I nodded and walked over to Dad with her and said smiling, "That won't be necessary. We'll only be 30 minutes to an hour." I said. "OK, you might want to go now if you wanna get back in time before the sun goes down." Dad told us. "Yeah, come on, Kesi. We stilll need to make a stop at the Northlands." I said then me and Kesi ran off. Mom walked over to Dad and stood there and wondered, "What do they need in the Northlands?"

Once we got Luna, we headed under a big willow tree that had white fluffy flowers. They were one of the rarest trees in the world. As we sat under the tree near the boarder between the Eastlands and the Southlands, Diamanto said, "K, come on," after that, we headed towards the Eastlands.

~30 minutes before the wedding~

Diamanto, Kesi, Luna, and I were all running super fast to get to the wedding on time. As I was running, I asked Diamanto yelling, "So Diamanto! How many animals are gonna be at this wedding?!" Diamanto yelled back, "Just a couple! I want it to be a quick and not fully known around the world thing, you know?!" We were only yelling because when we were running, we were out of breath and because of our speed, the wind blew louder and harder in our faces. Luna started to get an ear ache. I looked back at her and asked concerned, "You okay back there, Luna?!" "Mhm, but we should probably speed up!" Luna answered. "If we go any faster, you're ears will just hurt more!" I told her, still looking back at her. "But they'll hurt even more than that if we take our time running! The sooner we get there, the better!" Luna said. "Guys, it's pretty obvious we're probably gonna be late! I'll run ahead and entertain the guests! I'm the fastest! I can make it! Besides, Kia, knowing you, you'll probably get distracted saving a sabertooth tiger or detaining a Komodo Dragon." Kesi yelled looking back at us sounding sure of herself. Kesi zoomed ahead and we were all silent the rest of the run.

~10 minutes before the wedding~

"Come on, guys! We're almost there!" I said to Diamanto and Luna. We were running slower because we ran our highest speed for 20 straight minutes without any stops. So we were actually pretty much cantering. But that all changed when I saw an African Rabbit stuck in thorns. They were Rattlesnake Thorns. The sharpest and deadliest thorns in the world. The bunny had cuts and was bleeding. It was only making it worse by trying to jump out of it. I lowered my ears with the saddest expression on my face feeling so bad for it as I walked over to it with my tail between my legs and my head hanging. Diamanto did the same. "Poor little guy," Luna said showing her soft side. Diamanto smirked at her and she said madly, "What?!" "Looks like you aren't made out of stone," Diamanto joked. Luna rolled her eyes and watched us help the bunny. I was about to bite them out but then I remembered that they could hurt my mouth. "What do we do?" Diamanto whispered to me. "I don't know! I'm thinking, OK?! Maybe once we're done helping it we can take it to the Tree of Life." "Seriously? That's a waste of time. We've got a wedding we need to get to." Luna said annoyed, unleashing her claws and tearing the thorns apart. The bunny smiled and Luna licked the scars then said, "Come on," once she walked away leading the way, Diamanto looked at me confused and said in a serious tone, "Who knows? Maybe she is made of stone." After he said that, we followed Luna.

~5 minutes before the wedding~

Luna, Diamanto, and I were still running to the wedding. We were really cutting it close. "I can see the sun behind something! That must be the hill Kesi and I are getting married on! We're almost there! Just a little furth-" Diamanto started with a gasp but then the unexpected happened. The ground started to shake and one single HUGE crack, cracked the ground. Diamanto only jumped to avoid his death but he did way more than just save his life. He made it to the other side. I opened my eyes and first found out that I wasn't dead. Then I looked down and saw that Luna literally only had like, 5, maybe 8 seconds to live. She was hanging from the sinkhole! And I went into complete panic. I felt like I was about to pass out. "Oh, my gosh... OK... OK... it's fine... it's fine..." I said trying to calm myself. I took a fast deep breath then grabbed Luna's scruff and pulled her up. She landed on my back then got up and looked at Diamanto who was on the other side. Luna and I both gasped. Diamanto just stood there. "Go to your wedding. We'll be fine." I told him sitting down. Luna just looked at me confused. "No way. Kesi wanted you to come. If you didn't, the wedding would be ruined!" Diamanto argued. "It'll be even more ruined if the groom doesn't show up." I said. Luna just rolled her eyes and pushed me over to the other side. I screamed the entire way. "I thought it was KESI and Diamanto who's getting married. You two were sure spillin' your hearts out over there." Luna smirked in a serious way. Then she climbed a tree and jumped across. "Let's go!" I said.

~4 seconds left~

"Come on, we can make it!" Luna said breathing heavily.


"We're not gonna make it!" Diamanto panicked losing hope.


"We can do it!" I encouraged.


Diamanto stopped at a sharp stop when he made it to to the white flowered short hill and stood next to Kesi stably and quickly. "Oh, thank goodness," Kesi whispered to herself.

As Kesi and Diamanto said their vows and the Christian guy said and asked mushy things, Luna and I smiled at each other. Kesi, the rest of the Guard, and I have come a long way...

I've been working on this chapter ALL day from 6:00 AM to 9:30 PM. So I better get like, 10 likes on this chapter!!! I did all of this for YOU GUYS!!! Lol, I'm kidding. You don't have to give me ten or more likes. Goodnight! I might be able to finish this story before December!!!

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang