~Chapter 4~ Depression

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Season 1

The next morning, I woke up but didn't leave the den to go find Adira as usual. I just stayed laying down in the den because today wasn't an exciting day for me. I was super depressed just at the moment. I knew tonight I was gonna meet my "future husband". And I wasn't excited in the least. Not even an inch. "She's been laying there all morning." Mom said to Dad concerned. "I think she's a little nervous about tonight." Dad said. "I don't think that's it." Mom said. She looked at me again and said, "She usually has some kind of emotion going on. But right now... it doesn't look like she feels anything." Mom walked over to me and laid down beside me. "Hey, Kia," I blinked and said, "Hi," Mom tilted her head and nudged me. "Did you already see Adira?" She asked me. "No," I said. Mom looked at Dad. Dad looked out of the den and saw Adira running over. Dad smiled and said, "I think I know how she'll get cheered up." Mom smiled, knowing what Dad was talking about. She was still laying beside me. "Kia!" Adira exclaimed excitedly as she pounced on me. I just laid there. Dad frowned. "You okay?" She asked. "Meh," I said. "OK, that's it! Get up!" Mom said. I got up and sat down and looked at her. "We're going on a little mother and daughter hunt." Mom said. I perked my ears up and smiled a bit.

At the hunting grounds, which was the middle of the savanna, Mom said, "OK, now so that the buffalo don't see us, you have to hunch down and walk slowly towards your prey. And watch the wind so that the buffalo don't catch our scent." Mom was a calm and patient teacher. That's where I got my calmness and patience from. I did exactly what she told me and...

~A while later~

Mom and I came back with a huge buffalo for everyone. "Queen Kamaria, you and little Princess Kia hunted and brought down this huge animal?" Aisha asked surprised. She was the mother of Tabia. She had a brown coat with a tan underbelly, muzzle, paws, and eye shades just like her daughter. She had a hot red nose with a dark brown tail tuft. And her eyes were brown. She also had darker brown markings on her legs. "Yes, we did. I'm very proud of my daughter." Mom said. Tabia came out from behind her mother, and said, "Wow, way to go, Kia!" "Thanks, Tabia. You know Mom, who knows? Maybe I will like Auni." I said smiling at her. Mom smiled back. "Auni? Who's he? Is he cute?" Kesi asked as she walked over to me along with the rest of my friends. "Mom, I'm in a better mood but I'd rather you tell them." I said. Mom nodded and said, "Of course. Kia is going to meet Auni tonight at the Rose Festival. He's gonna be her future king and husband." Kesi screeched and exclaimed excitedly and happily, "YOU GET YOUR OWN FUTURE HUSBAND?!?!?" "Could you act like you're excited?" I asked sarcastically with a laugh. "Wait, you got betrothed?" Tabia asked. "How does everyone know what that word means besides me?!" I asked. Tabia raised her eyebrow as Kesi's mom, Tama said, "I still can't believe you two hunted that huge buffalo." "Well it was really all Kia. I couldn't do much because I'm pregnant. I just talked her through it." Mom said. I smiled at her and then went to hang out with Adira. I wasn't gonna let some boy get in the way of me hanging out my best friend. Tama was an orange tan lioness with hazel green eyes, pink nose, and a lighter underbelly, paws, eye shades, and muzzle. Her tail tuft was dark brown.

A few hours later, I was getting ready for the rose festival. The two adult lionesses who were helping me get ready were members from my pride. Their names were Nibaal and Zuri. Zuri was a tan coated lioness with brown eyes, light pink nose, light brown tail tuft, and a yellowish white underbelly, muzzle, paws, and eye shades. Nibaal was a normal tawny brown coated lioness with minty green eyes, black nose, and a brown tail tuft. She didn't have a colored underbelly, eye shades, paws, or muzzle. "And for the finishing touch..." Zuri started. Nibaal put a red rose lei on my head. "You look beautiful, princess." Nibaal said. "You do," Zuri said. "Aww, thank you," I said. "Now come on, you don't wanna be late for the festival. Everyone in the savanna is expecting you to be there." Zuri told me. "Wow, when I'm queen, am I gonna be expected to show up to a lot of things, too? And if I don't go everyone will be disappointed?" I asked. "Oh, yes! But that's part of your training to becoming queen. You'll have to work under pressure." Nibaal said. I gulped. "Let's go, Your Highness." Zuri smiled.

Hope you enjoyed! Tell me if you'd like something specific to happen in a chapter! Love ya'll!

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Where stories live. Discover now