~Chapter 3~ Betrothed?!

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Season 1

Three months later, I grew older into a full sized cub. I finally grew a personality. I was nice, smart, funny, brave, loyal, generous, strong, respectful, obedient, calm, patient, and loving. One night, I was hanging out with the other lionesses in my pride that were my age. "So, Kia, have you picked your future king yet?" One caramel coated lioness named Kesi asked. She was the most annoying lioness in the pride. But she had a good heart. She had a tan underbelly, eye shades, paws, and muzzle. Her tail tuft was a dark chocolate color. She had a reddish pink nose. And she had hazel green eyes. She also had a tuft of hair on her head. I rolled my eyes and said, "Kesi, I don't even know if I want a future king." She walked up closer to me and said, "Give it some time. You'll see. Everyone loves at some point." I looked at Adira who had also grown and she rolled her eyes. "Are you excited to see your new little sister or brother?" Tabia, the other lioness asked me. She was a brown coated lioness with a brownish tan underbelly, muzzle, eye shades, and paws. her tail tuft was dark brown. She was very beautiful. Her eyes were dark but light brown. She also had a dark reddish brown stripe that went down her back. Her nose was hot red. "Yeah, I can't believe I'm gonna be a big sister!" I said. "We can. You're totally fit for the job." Barika said. She was a red colored lioness with a vanilla white underbelly, paws, eye shades, and muzzle. Her tail tuft was a chocolaty brown and her eyes were brown. "Aw, thanks, guys but being a big sister or brother isn't really a job..." I said putting my ears down. Then my father, King Kazija, walked over to us. My friends all bowed down to him. Dad nodded at them as a sign of greeting. "Kia, can you come to South Rock with me?" He asked. "Oh, sure, Dad," I said walking over to him. "I'll see you guys later," I said. "OK. Our moms are probably wondering where we are anyway." Tabia said. I smiled back at them then followed my dad.

Up at South Rock, I sat at the tip of it with my father. My mother walked out and smiled at me. She sat on the other side of me. "Your father needs to tell you something important." Mom said to me. I looked at her confusedly. "Kia, you know that when you're queen, it won't be easy. You'll have to fight for your kingdom and whatnot." Dad told me. "Yeah?" I said raising my eyebrow. I was still pretty confused. "I'm not saying that you can't do anything solo. But you will need some help at times." Dad said. "Pfft, I can rule on my own." I said. "Yes, well, umm... Uh, Kamaria?" Dad said looking at Mom. I looked at her, too. She lowered her ears then said quickly, "You're betrothed." My eyes widened. "Betrothed?! Betrothed?! What's betrothed?" I asked looking at them both. "It means when you were born you technically got engaged to someone." Dad said. "I don't get it," I said. "She's not getting it," Dad told Mom. "Here, I'll tell you what it means." Mom said. As the sunset went down, the light shone on me, Dad, and Mom. A little breeze came by, too while Mom was explaining it to me. "When you were born, your father and I both pledged that you would be married to a certain lion in the pride when you're old enough. Of course, that's still years away. His name is Auni and you will meet him tomorrow night at the Rose Festival." Mom explained to me. My eyes widened again. "Wait a minute, hold on! You mean you ENGAGED me to someone I don't even know without my consent!?!?" I yelled madly. "Honey, I know it seems weird. But those are the rules of the savanna. The mother and father of the first-born cub must choose a future husband and king for that cub. And that's Auni." Mom said. "Weird?! It's more than weird! It's-" I started but then realized I was losing my temper. So I sighed and calmed down. "Well... if it's not up for discussion and I don't get a choice on if I fall in love or not, I guess all I can do is meet my "future husband and king" tomorrow." I said sadly. My dad and Mom looked at each other sadly. "Princess, I wish I could undo the past. These rules aren't the best I've heard but if it gives a better future to the Southlands, isn't it worth it?" Dad said to me. I was silent. He nudged me a bit. I smiled at him and said, "What about you? Were you betrothed to Mom?" Dad hesitated for a minute then said, "That's a story for another time," I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "And now that we're all here, I think we should tell you about the... other thing." Mom's eyes widened and then she quickly said, "Well! It's getting dark so we should probably go to bed now, right?!" She nudged Dad over into the den. I raised my eyebrow as I watched them. I couldn't hear what they were saying though. "What is it, Kamaria?" Dad asked Mom. "You saw the look on her face. She's already taking in too much than she can bear. Let's give her some time to process this before we tell her anything else." Mom said. "OK, we'll tell her a few days after she's met her future king." Dad said. "I just feel like she should fight for her rights and choices. Kind of like how you fought for me..." Mom said smiling as she took Dad's paw and rested her head in it. Dad smiled at her.

That same night, I was walking across the blue grassy plains. There were blue fireflies lighting the night. I was thinking about being betrothed. At first, I thought royal life was the bomb, but now... I felt like it wasn't all that it's cracked up to be. Did Dad actually choose Mom because he loved her? Or did he not have a choice?

That's all for now ya'll! Hope you enjoyed!

That's how big I am as Kia right now as a cub

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

That's how big I am as Kia right now as a cub. But it's not her, lol!

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat