Chapter Eleven

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Ayo authors note here (please read)
I've just found this chapter in my drafts. I haven't been on wattpad for a while so I genuinely don't know wether this chapter will make any sense in storyline because I don't remember writing it. I have every intention to start regularly updating this story again once I give it a re-read. I just though I might as well post this cause it's already here and it'll keep you entertained until I post next. Again, I apologise if this chapter doesn't make sense but I am assuming  it does 🤷‍♀️

Kara's POV

"Okay so" says Alex as she sits beside me, two pots of ice cream in her hands. She hands me one, then grabs two spoon from the kitchen drawer. I take one and dig into my ice cream.

"Okay so what?" I question.

"I wanna know everything" She replies excitedly crossing her legs and turning to face me in the couch.

"About?" I question, teasing her, it was obvious what she was asking about.

"What happened with Lena!" Alex exclaims, frustrated.

"I already told you what happened" I reply, repressing at smirk as Alex's face turns red with fustration.

"No, drunk Kara told me what happened. I wanna know how it happened, all the details" She pauses the tv, and looks at me expectantly.

"Okay" I give in, flashing my mind back to that night.

"I'm just glad your okay" I reply, taking her hand in mine. I give them a reassuring squeeze and a short, but comfortable silence follows.


I gaze into her eyes, taking a quick break to move my eyeline down to her lips. Stopping myself, I quickly fix my gaze back to the familiar pair of emerald eyes. They were darker then normal, I noted.

Again, I break the eye contact to look down to her lips. I mentally kick myself, Why do I keep doing that? But my thought is interrupted by Lena, who breaks the silence.

"Well Supergirl may have saved me" She says, pausing her sentence to fix her gaze on my lips. I blush a little noticing this.

"But Kara Danvers" She says, And I could've sworn she was leaning closer to me. Again I look down at her lips, I can't stop myself.

"You are my hero" She was leaning in, and now we were centimetres apart. All I wanted to do was lean in, to press my lips against hers, but I panic. Pulling away and blurting out

"I'm Supergirl"

*end of flashback*

Alex wacks me in the arm.

"Why didn't you kiss her idiot?" She teases.

I groan, leaning back further into the couch while stuffing my mouth with more Ice Cream.

"So do you like her?" Alex questions.

"I don't know Alex. I don't even know if i' know"

"Gay?" She interrupts.

"Yes" I exhale. "I've never liked girls before"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like, i've never even thought about girls in a romantic way, ever" I look up at Alex, praying she could provide me with an answer.

"How did you know?" I question to her.

"That I was gay?" Alex replies.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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