Chapter Two

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*A week later*

Lena's POV

"Kara Danvers is here to see you" states my assistant as she she slips out the room. Kara emerging from behind her.

"Kara! what a lovely surprise" I exclaim as I walk over to her. She looked upset, so i pulled her into a tight hug that lasted.

"I'm sorry Lena" She states as we break apart.

"Sorry for what?" I question, genuinely confused.

"you might wanna sit down for this"

I nod and sit back at my desk, she doesn't move so i gesture for her to sit down on the chair opposite. She twiddles her thumbs as she walks over slowly sitting down and looking up at me with sad eyes.

"Your mothers escaped prison"

I feel my throat constrict as i take in this new information. I knew this meant she'd been coming for me.

But that wasn't the worst of it. Kara then explained that the public suspects me of being involved, as i had visited mother on that day.

My eyes well up with tears. Kara takes my hands and squeezes them, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I know your innocent, and I know how painful this news must be for you. I am here for you Lena, and i'll never stop fighting for you"

As she finishes her sentence Maggie and afew other FBI agents enter my office. I stand up and Kara stands defensively in front of me.

Maggie shows me a video of someone placing kryptonite in the prison, which was used to help mother escape. It took me a second to realise that that person was... me. Me? I would never do that. What's happening.

"We have reason to believe you were involved in the escape of Lillian Luthor. We are placing you under arrest"

I silent tear rolls down my cheek as the cold handcuffs are placed around my wrists. Kara was shouting at Maggie defensively trying to make her see reason but of course it didn't change anything.

I am thrown into the back of a police car, press surrounding me and taking thousands of photos. Which were sure to be all over the news after Lex's sister has 'gone bad'.


I lay on my cold prison bed, on the thin paper that claimed to be a mattress. I stare at the wall. I feel empty, emotionless, like a psychopath. I lacked the ability to feel anything. No sadness no empathy. Nothing.

"Do you reckon she'll loose all her hair like her brother" I hear the prison guards joke as they pass my cell. I stand up and walk over to the bars. Watching them as they turn the corner.

All of a sudden the two guards were flying in the air. They crashed into the wall as a Cadmus member emerged. He walked over to me, and unlocked my cell door.


Kara's POV

"I'm really worried about her" I confess to Alex.

"She'll be okay. We will prove her innocence" She reassures me.

Ever since Lena was imprisoned, I felt this void in my soul, as if all the happiest moments of my life were stripped away from me. And i was left with this cold, empty feeling.

I haven't shown up to work all week. I knew snapper would want an article about Lena's guilt, and i knew she was innocent. She had to be innocent.

Winn puts the news up on the screens. Breaking news it read. Lena Luthor escapes from prison. I froze. Not taking my eyes of the screen.

"Cadmus" I state before leaving abruptly.

I fly around the city. Listening for Lena's voice. I catch something.

"Stop the van!" Lena demands "I'm going back"

"To what?" Lillian interupts. "You have no life anymore Lena, you have no one on your side. I tear up at this, Lena didn't deserve that.

I trace the sound to a truck, and watch as it pulls up to an abandoned warehouse.

"I found Lena" I state to Alex and the rest of the DEO. "I'm going in"

"Kara stop!" Alex shouts back at me. They have kryptonite, let us assemble a team first.

"No" I exclaim. I break through the window and see Lillian, Lena and Metallo.

"Supergirl!" Lena shouts in relief.

I use my heat vision on Metallo. And he hits me square in the chest with kryptonite. I fall to the ground, and scramble behind a pillar.

Once I recovered my stamina, I flew straight to Metallo and froze him with my breath. Restricting him in a cell of ice.

I fly over to Lena, who had been knocked out by a member of Cadmus, and scoop her up in my arms. Flying her to safety as i watch Lillian escape.

I narrowly avoid the wave of radioactivity as Metallo's Kryptonite explodes.

I fly Lena to her office and lay her down onto her couch. I change back into Kara and sit by her feet waiting for her to wake up.

After ten minutes or so, she begins to stir.

"Kara!" She shouts as she finally awakes, sitting up and throwing herself into my arms. I hold her tightly, my grip expressing what I couldn't sum up with words. Not once did my grip falter.

She lay in my arms, silently sobbing as she buried her face into my neck.

"We were able to debunk the video. We proved that the person who planted the Kryptonite used an inhibitor".

"Thank you" Lena whispers as she repostiton herself, her head now resting on my shoulder. We stayed like that for an hour. Just gazing out the windows watching the city.

"Let's get you home." i finally say.

"no" Lena says softly "I don't want to go home. I don't want to be alone".

"Do you want to crash at mine?" I ask.

She nods silently and we exit the office, walking through the car park to get to my car.

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