Chapter Four

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Kara's POV

I wake up and groan as I remember what the day was. Today I was going into work for the first time in a week.

I had avoided work ever since Lena was imprisoned, I knew Snapper would be expecting all the details from me, knowing i was her best friend.

So I just don't show up, didn't even call in to let them know I was still alive, I just didn't show.

I roll myself out of bed and force myself to get ready. Putting on my blue skinny jeans and a white blouse. I tie up my hair and complete my look with my glasses.

I stand outside the building sighing as I look up to my workplace. Well, that's if I still had a job there.

As I enter the office floor I notice everyone is staring at me. They all had that look on there face as if saying 'oh damh, she's getting fireddd'

I try to ignore them as I enter Mrs Grants office.

"Keira" She says not once looking up from her work. She fell silent as if she was waiting for my apology.

When I stayed silent she looked up from her work, giving me a disappointed stare.

"And where have you been?" She questions.

I stay in silence as she goes on.

"Snapper has been up my ass all week about firing you. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't"

I keep silent, readjusting my glasses as I think about what to say.

"Well! why haven't you been in!" Cat shouts, clearly frustrated by my lack of words.

"Lena, my best friend was imprisoned"

"And that's an excuse to not show up to work?You know Kara, I stood up for you, I defended you because I knew you would have a good reason. But now, your coming in here, claiming the reason you weren't here was because you were upset about your friend?"

"I'm sorry" I interrupt. "I knew Snapper would be all the over my case about it, trying to get enough intel from me when I knew she was innocent. I couldn't come into work knowing all anyone was going to be talking about was Lena. I chocked up a little saying that last sentence.

Cat's expression became softer, and she walked over to sit on one of the couches, she gestures for me to sit opposite and I did so.

"Reporting is always going to invade your personal life" her tone was softer now.
"I don't understand why your so worked up over a friend" She questions

"Because she's my best friend" I say quietly.

"She sounds like a lot more then that to me" Cat says under her breath as she returns to her desk.

"Your lucky you still have a job. Now get out before I change my mind"

Now I make my way over to Snapper, preparing for another lecture. He just stares at me, and hands me a sheet of paper containing my next report.

I had to write an article about Lena's innocence, so i grab my bag and make my way over to L-corp.

I greet Jess as a I meet her on the top floor, and she gestures for me to head inside Lena's office.

When I enter I see Lena, scribbling away at a massive pile of paperwork.

"Lena!" I greet as I close the door behind me, walking over and sitting on the chair opposite.

"Hey Kara" She says with little exitment.

She looks up and I notice how red and puffy her eyes were, she had great massive bags under them to. She looked exhausted.

Concern fills my head. "Are you okay?" I question.

"Yeah i'm just tired" she replies. She was lying to me.

I decide not to poke at it, instead just smile back at her.

"So what brings you here?" She questions.

"Oh did Jess not tell you? I'm writing the article about your innocence".

"Oh shit sorry I forgot" She gives me a fake half laugh.

She continues to scribble away with her pen, avoiding my gaze, so I reach over and take it from her hands.

"Seriously Lena what's wrong? You look exhausted"

"I just didn't get enough sleep last night i'm fine" She answers, looking up at me and smiling.

"Stop lying to me" I interrupt. "I'm your friend you can tell me anything" She looks up at me breaking character. Tears well up in her eyes.

"I just couldn't stop thinking of what my mother said" Standing up and turning her back to me to look out of the window.

I walk up behind her and place a hand on her shoulder.

"Your mother doesn't know you Lena, not like I do"

She turns around and a tear rolls down her cheek. I wipe it away with my thumb and pull her into a hug.

She doesn't say anything, just buries her head into my neck and cries.

Eventually, we break apart, she looks down and says.

"I just wish my family was normal"

I hold her face in my hands, pulling her head up to meet my eyes, and plant a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey" I said. "Nobody's perfect"

She brightened up after that. I finished my interview and left. I spent the next week completing my article, speaking to various sources and typing away at my desk.

When done, I presented it to Snapper. He didn't say anything, good or bad, Just looked over it and added it to the pile, gesturing for me to go away.

At the weekend, I began to get ready to meet Lena, Alex and Maggie at the bar.

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