Twenty Four

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Michael's POV:

We've been driving for 10 minutes and so far we've seen nothing. No sign of Alisha anywhere.

This is where I start to panic. In the car, you could cut the tension with a knife. You could feel Ashton, Luke, and Calum begin to panic too.

The static of the radio cut the silence, which made us all jump.

"Michael," Sheriff Massey spoke, "We've found a scrunchie. Does Alisha wear scrunchies?"

"She was wearing a white one when she left," I spoke quickly.

"The scrunchie we've found is white," he replied, "We think it might be Alisha's."

"Where?" I asked.

"Near the lake."

My heart dropped. What if she's in the lake? What if she got hurt and is in the lake right now?

"Check the lake, see if you can see any shadows or silhouettes that resemble what she was wearing," I said, "She's wearing yellow pyjama bottoms and a long-sleeved white tee."

"We'll call the search and rescue team, in the meantime, we'll spread out and see if we can see anything."

I turned to Luke who was driving.

"We need to go back to the forest," I said to him.

He nodded.

"There's a path we might be able to drive through to reach the lake," Ashton spoke, "That's if it hasn't overgrown with trees and bushes."

We eventually found the path Ashton was talking about and Luke drove slowly through it until we reached the lake.

After parking, we all jumped out of Luke's car and rejoined the search party.

"The search and rescue team should be here within a few minutes," one of the deputies told me.

"Mike," Ashton called me, "I think the shed's still here somewhere."

Bingo. I'd forgotten all about the shed.

Ashton, Luke, Calum and I used to go to the shed in this forest when we were younger. That was back when this forest was actually looked after and gardened. I wouldn't know where to find it now as everything has grown out of control and nothing looks the same as it used to.

"Come with me," I told the boys.

We started trudging through the bushes to find the shed, but everywhere looks the same.

Eventually, we stumbled across some luck! We recognised the area as having the shed nearby.

"I think we're almost there," Luke said, "This feels familiar."

"Are you sure we weren't just here?" Calum asked, "Maybe that's why it feels familiar."

"No we definitely weren't here before," Ashton chimed in, "Do you remember seeing that burnt-out fire before?"

"Wait what?" I asked as I looked down, "It must've been Alisha's fire, surely!"

The shed came into vision in the distance and we all sprinted over to it. The door was shut so we called out.

"Alisha?" I said through the door.

The door opened and there stood shivering, muddy Alisha.

We all bombarded her with hugs.

"You scared the living shit out of us! Don't ever do that again!" I said to her whilst hugging her tightly.

"I'm so sorry," she shook her head, "I don't know what happened, the last thing I remember is running out of the door."

"Listen," I said quietly to her, "So long as you're okay, we'll figure out the rest, okay?"

She nodded.

I radioed through to Sheriff Massey.

"John, we found her. She's okay," I said gratefully.

"Bring her down to the hospital to be checked over and make sure she's healthy, we'll take a statement from her there and then you can all go home," he replied, "Good work, kid."

I felt accomplished. I felt like I had achieved something important by finding Alisha. This feeling of attainment was something that felt so unnatural to me as I have always been used to being a failure and having nothing to feel proud of.

The walk back to the car was quiet and calm. We were no longer stressed and worried and scared. We were relieved that we now knew Alisha is safe and sound.

After climbing in Luke's car, I began driving us all to Great Hope Hospital so Alisha could be checked over and tested by doctors to see if she's injured or getting sick.

Once we got there, we took her to the emergency room and requested an immediate check over.

Tests were performed and, thankfully, they all came back fine. Alisha was deemed healthy and not developing anything other than a mild case of the flu, probably from being out in the cold this whole time.

"Can we go back to the cabin now?" Alisha asked quietly.

"Of course," I said to her, "Let me just round up the boys."

I went to get Luke from the vending machine; Ashton was talking to a nurse about Alisha, and Calum was using the toilet.

"We're taking a long way home," Luke said as he climbed in the driver's seat.

We all nodded happily. The long way home was an hour and a half longer than the normal route home. Luke was playing the radio quietly, with the windows rolled down and driving at a relaxing pace. Alisha rested her head on my shoulder. I figured she must be tired considering she spent all night outside. Soon enough heavy breaths were coming from Alisha's mouth, signalling she was asleep.

"I'm glad we found her," Ashton said with a small smile, "You did really well, Mike."

Calum and Luke agreed.

"You basically saved her life, bro," Calum said.

"Yeah," I said whilst peering down at her, taking in all her features. She really is beautiful, and I don't know how I didn't see it before.

"She'll be fine for as long as she has you to look out for her," Luke said.

And I will look out for her. The same way she has for me.

troubled (m.c.) REVAMPEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora