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Michael's POV:

"Are you aware of how much damage you caused earlier on today?" Sheriff Massey asked.

"Well, obviously. I was the one that went and slashed his tires and spray painted his beloved property," I sighed out of boredom.

"Are you forgetting that you smashed his windows too?" he asked rhetorically.

"Oh, how ever could I forget the windows," I rolled my eyes and slouched into my seat.

"Michael, you're really not helping yourself out here — if you can't show some respect to me, you're not gonna be able to bail out of this when you face the courts," he said calmly, "I'm trying to help you out here."

"Well don't, I don't need nor want your help, so just fuck off!" I said loudly.

"Michael, don't start with me, please, your mother wouldn't be happy you've started causing trouble — again," he said.

"Well my mother's not here is she? She flew off to my home country and is probably lounging out in the sun right now or splashing around in the sea with my dad — I really don't think she'd care too much," I said angrily.

"Mike, I understand you're annoyed at her right now and it's a sudden change for you, but it's not gonna last forever — only for three more months and then everything will be back to normal," Sheriff Massey tried reasoning with me, "It's not like she's never gonna come back again."

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Take my advice, son — don't give the courts grief. You could easily squirm your way out of this one without any type of penalty — just be patient with the judge, alright?" he said.

"Alright," I sighed as I walked into the courtroom.

— — —

"How did it go?" the Sheriff asked when I left the courtroom.

"Judge said there's no real evidence it was me, so I'm basically walking away free of charge," I beamed at him.

In all honesty, I didn't want to bring such a sudden amount of trouble to Alisha's door because I really didn't want to have to deal with her mum when she came back.

"I knew you could do it, son!" he beamed back, "Now we just have to go and fill out a few more pieces of paperwork and then you can go home."

"Okay," I nodded as I followed him into a small room to finish the paperwork.

— — —

When I finally reached Alisha's house, I used her keys to get in.

"Alisha?" I called out, but go no answer.

I noticed Luke's car was gone, so I was guessing they went out somewhere quickly.

After 20 minutes of waiting for them to come back, I decided to text her.

Soon enough, she replied saying they were 'going to Ashton's mum's house somewhere in a forest'.

I realised they were going to Anne's small cabin on the outskirts of Vail.

I sighed and gathered some small things together in my Nike backpack and started my long ass journey to Old Battersea Vale.

— — —

Alisha's POV:

By the time we reached Ashton's cabin, it was already getting quite late because traffic was super bad today.

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