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"Is he a part of your family?" the person asked.

"No, his parents jetted off to Australia for a holiday, so he's staying at my house for three months," I said nervously.

"Where's your mother?"

"She's not in the state right now — she's in Seattle on a business trip," I answered.

"I'm Sheriff John Massey from Ohio Police Department," he said he showed me his ID, "Michael has stirred up some trouble within the neighbourhood today, to which I have received numerous complaints about. I'm going to need to take him in to the station for a few hours to be questioned."

Michael rolled his eyes and sighed, "Fuck off, John," he mumbled under his breath.

"C'mon, son," Sheriff Massey said, "I've tried to help you as much as I can before, but you've done yourself in this time. Come on, stand up."

Michael heaved himself up and Sheriff Massey turned him around.

"Oh come on! The cuffs aren't necessary, John," Michael groaned and rolled his eyes.

"You know the rules, son."

"It's not like I'm gonna make a run for it or take a swing at you," Michael said as he began to get agitated.

"That's not going to change anything," the Sheriff replied.

He brought Michael's hands up and behind his back before strapping the metal handcuffs onto them.

"What did he do?" I finally spoke up.

The Sheriff turned to me, "My apologies, but I'm not obliged to tell anything to anyone unless Michael chooses to tell you himself due to the legal regulations of him being over 18," he explained, "He can choose whether or not to tell you anything when he comes home, but as of right now we don't have the time."

"Fuck's sake," Michael muttered.

"We'd better be off," the Sheriff nodded, "We," he emphasised the word, "have a lot of paperwork to fill out," he said.

"Yes, sir," I nodded.

Sheriff Massey turned Michael round and held him by his cuffed hands and placed one hand on his back and began walking him round the side of the house.

Luke, Calum, Ashton and I followed them.

Sheriff Massey attempted to help Michael climb into the car, but Michael shimmied him off before shooting the Sheriff a nasty look and slumping into the car by himself.

Just before the Sheriff climbed in, he put his hand up to say goodbye.

All of us waved back at him and watched him drive away with Michael looking out of the window at us.

We stayed standing there for a few seconds trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Alisha, you can shut your jaw now," Luke chuckled.

"Yeah, shut your mouth, 'Lisha!" Calum laughed.

We went back into the hideout and scatter ourselves around.

Luke and Calum slumped down onto the now off-white couch; Ashton sat onto one of the white beanbags and I sat on the carpet a metre or so away from him.

It didn't take long for the other three to start talking and joking around as if nothing had happened.

"What's up, 'Lish?" Ashton stretched out his arm to nudge me.

"Did you guys not even see what just happened?" I asked, gobsmacked, "Michael just got arrested and you're all acting as if nothing happened?"

"What do you mean he got arrested?" Calum asked, "Nothing happened."

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