Chapter 6-Lothlórien (Edited)

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Despair filled Boromir's voice. 

"But I cannot see it. It is long since we had any hope. My father is a noble man, but his rule is failing. And now our people lose faith. He looks to me to make things right and I would do it. I would see the glory of Gondor restored."

Aragorn could see how troubled Boromir was. Despite all his doubt of him, Aragorn could still see how passionate Boromir was about his country and his people.

"Have you ever seen it, Aragorn?" asked Salandiel from behind them. 

Both Aragorn and Boromir, startled, turned to her voice. They hadn't noticed her standing there before.

"Seen what?" replied Aragorn.

Salandiel walked forward to stare into the night before them. 

"The glory of Gondor. The White Tower of Ecthelion, glimmering like a spike of pearl and silver. Its banners caught high in the morning breeze. Have you ever been called home by the clear ring of silver trumpets?" 

A smile spread across her face as she remembered her home country. Her heart yearned once more to return to Gondor, to her people. 

"I have seen the White City, long ago," spoke Aragorn quietly.

"One day, our paths will lead us there," said Boromir to Aragorn. 

He looked to Salandiel with hope in his eyes.

"All of us will be led there and the tower guards shall take up the call; 'The Lords and Captain of Gondor have returned!'"

"Do you really think that I would be welcomed back so warmly, Boromir?" asked Salandiel who continued to look out into the night.

"You were a great Captain and warrior who fought justly for her people."

Boromir looked down in shame. 

"I am just sorry I chose not to see that in you earlier."

Salandiel felt the pride swell in heart but it was quickly destroyed as the memory of her last day in Gondor filled her mind; when she had been banished by Lord Denethor. The smile slowly faded from her face and she turned around to face the two noble men.

"The day you both return to Gondor shall be great," she said with longing in her voice, "but I fear I will not be there to rejoice with you. I doubt I will be welcomed back with such triumph."

And with those last words she walked off into the night. So many memories had come flooding back, troubling her mind.


To still her troubled mind, Salandiel took to sitting on a large root of a tree, far from the company and took to cleaning her sword once more. Just as she felt her mind calming, she felt the presence of a magical being. Looking up she saw the beautiful Galadriel coming towards her. Salandiel quickly averted her gaze from the piercing eyes of Galadriel.

"Why do you turn your gaze away from me?" asked Galadriel with her powerful voice.

Salandiel grew defensive. 

"I do not wish for you to read my thoughts. They are mine and mine alone."

Salandiel felt uncomfortable under the scrutiny of Galadriel so she put her sword away and stood up to walk away. As Salandiel turned her back on the her, Galadriel spoke gently.

"You have suffered much loss in your life. You do not wish to open yourself up to others in the fear that you might get hurt again."

Salandiel quickly turned around. 

"How do you know such things?" asked Salandiel defensively, "I have not revealed anything to you. Did you read my thoughts?"

Galadriel gave a soft chuckle. 

"My dear Salandiel. I am not a mere 'mind reader'."

Galadriel walked forward, reached out her hand and gently stroked the hair back from Salandiel's face, like a mother would.  

"But your eyes do reveal so much," she said softly.

The Lady stunned Salandiel into silence. What exactly had her eyes revealed?

Galadriel continued to look gently into Salandiel's eyes. She gave Salandiel one last smile and gracefully walked away but before she was out of sight, Galadriel called back to Salandiel.

"Please rest. You are safe here."

And with one last look Galadriel was gone and Salandiel was left with much to think about.

Author's Note: Ugh I had so much fun writing this chapter. I think you got to see a bit more of who Salandiel is and I really enjoyed that moment between her, Aragorn and Boromir. What was your favourite part? And do you really think Boromir is all bad?

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I have loved writing it.

Much love!

The Captain of Gondor (A LoTR/Aragorn fan-fiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat