Changing my card

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Previously in 'HEDE':

After I finished, I breathed deeply. I looked around and all people were clapping and screaming, cheering. I smiled to myself and then met someones eyes. They weren't cheerful or dirty. They were shocked and confused. I looked better and saw..... Liam.

Harry P.O.V.

Am I dreaming or I'm in heaven? Cause I can't believe what I am seeing now? Destiny, my Destiny dancing in front my eyes. All guys in club were looking at her and cheering. I felt jealousy ran through my body. I looked at Desty dancing and just couldn't take my eyes of her, her body, her emotions. I could read everything in her dance, what she felt and what she wanted to say. She looked so sexy and beautiful at the same time. And then she was shaking her butt, I could not don't stare at her.

She's beautiful, perfect. My perfect girl. I wanted her now so badly. I watched her all time and the boys had the same look on their faces. One, we didn't know she could dance like this and two, we didn't know she go in this club and everybody knows her. It's like her second life.

I looked at Liam. He was shocked and confused. I guess he didn't expect it either. After Des finished, she breathed heavily and looked around. Everyone were clapping and cheering. Guys were checking her out. I glared at all of them. I hate seeing other guys around her. Destiny smiled widely and then looked at our direction. (see that I did there? :DD) And her smile faded away, she looked scared. I followed her gaze and saw.. Liam. Looking .... hurt? What?

Destiny P.O.V.

I looked at Liam again and smiled nervously. She gave me look and I sighed. I slowly made my way to the Liam and the boys. I smiled at few girls and boys, who said that I was amazing and very good. I love dancing!

I went to Liam and looked at the ground. Li came near me and give me confused look. I looked at LiLi and smiled a little.

"So..." I started but Liam cut me.

"What was that?" Liam snapped.

"What was what?" I played dumb. Not gonna work.

"Don't act like you don't know, what I'm talking about now, Destiny. I asked you and please answer me" Liam said seriously. I sighed.

"OK. I danced here, k? I and Li sometimes come here and just have fun, it's not that we did something bad" I rolled my eyes.

"You could just tell me, Desty" he sound hurt.

"I'm sorry, Bro. I just thought you don't let me go here" I said and looked at his eyes.

"It's alright, and I think you right. I definitely wouldn't let you go here!" Liam said and pointed around. He laughed and me too.

 "I love you, big brother" I said and hugged him.

"I love you too" he said. We pulled away and looked at the others.

"Having fun?" I asked and they nodded in  sync. I laughed.

"Ok, if you excuse us, we going to PARTY!" Li screamed and pulled Niall with her. I shook my head at her and chuckled.

"I'm going to the bar" Liam said. Zayn went with him too. I looked at Louis, but he wasn't here. I looked around and saw him dancing and around like crazy. Oh, that boy.

"Wanna dance?" Voice asked. I turned my head and saw smiling Harry. I nodded.

"Sure" He took my hand and we went to the dance floor. He put his hands on my waist and I on his neck. He winked and I giggled. We started dancing and our bodies moved in sync. I started swinging my hips slowly and fall in the music. It was so good. I loved Harry's hands on my body, it felt so right and just perfect. We smiled at each other.

"Wanna go grab some drink?" he asked me and I nodded.

"Ok, I'll be back in few minutes" Harry said and went to the bar. I smiled to myself and looked around. My eyes landed on some couple making out. I smiled to them, so cute. And second thing I saw broke my heart. I was shocked, confused, hurt and ... relieved.

That was Luke and Mellisa kissing in front of me. We looked so happy and in love. I wasn't mad or something, cause haven't got anymore feeling to Luke. I just felt betrayer and hurt, cause they didn't tell me, they could at least say how they feel and not suck each other faces off behind my back.

They didn't trust me or what? I felt tear roll my cheek. I went closer to them and tapped on Luke shoulder. He turned around annoyed but then he saw me, his expression changed. He looked guilty.

"Having fun?" I asked them. Melly started crying and shaking her head.

"I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just, I wanted to tell you, but-" Melly started to tell me fast but I cut her.

"It's fine" I said and smiled.

"What?!" they both asked and looked at me like I had five heads.

"I said it's fine. I'm not mad. I saw how you looked at each other, it was love. I haven't got feeling to Luke, so it's all goo. I just disappointed. I thought you would tell me if somethings wrong, but I guess I was wrong..." I said and another tear fall my cheek down.

"No, no, no. Please, don't leave me, Des. I love you like sister. Don't turn your back at me" Melly pleaded. I couldn't just say no. She's my best friend after all.

"I won't. Just please, pretty please, don't go on my back ever again and I want you to tell me everything. I'm your best friend, sister" I said and hugged her. She laughed in between laugh. So adorable. I wiped her tears and smiled.

"Don't cry, I love you" I said to her and she grinned.

"I love ya too" she said and I smiled. I turned to Luke and he was smiling at us.

"I'm sorry too. We should be told you, but I was just scared, I lose you, your my friend" Luke said and I aw'ed. I hugged him too.

"I know. I wouldn't left you, you too good with jokes" I said and he laughed.

"I think I'm going to find Harry" I said and Melly did kissing  face. I rolled my eyes at her playfully. Luke laughed.

"Go get him, love" He winked and I gave him confused look.

"oh, come on. I'm not stupid. I know you have some feeling to him" Luke said and I smiled.

"If you say so" I said and waved at them. I went to Harry, who was holding drinks and smiled. He gave me my glass and I sipped it.

"Where were you?" he asked and smiled warmly.

"Stuff, needed to change my card to the single" I winked at him and went to the dance floor.



Next update coming tomorrow or today if I get at least 3 comments :)

Byeee for now

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