Keeping more secrets

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"You right, I just need to wait" Harry said and smiled again.
"I'm always right, cause I'm fabuLOUIS!" I joked and Harry laughed. "Come on, others are in  the living room, movies night" I said and we headed downstairs. I hope Harry won't do this mistake ever again.

Destiny P.O.V.

It's been a week since Harry ran away. I couldn't forget that day and get it out of my head. I thought about it all over again and again. I still didn't figure out what happened, why he ran away? Why he hates me? Why?

These all questions ran around in my head. I am so confused and lost in my own minds. Harry has been so quiet this all time, he talked with me few times but fastly disappeared from there. It's too awkward for us now. Boys noticed it too. They tried everything to bring my mood back, but it didn't help.

Luke and is so distracted and always busy with others things, we don't spend much time together. Maybe it will sound weird and bitchy but I don't care. It's not bothering me, I don't feel that so lovey dovey thing with Luke, it feels like I am kissing like brother or something, you know. We so off now days.

I met Mellisa few times and we became very good friends, Liana met her too. And they get very well. I am s happy to have her like my friend, she's so funny and sweet. Like another sister to me. Cause you know, first sister of mine is Liana.

So today I'm going out with my friends, cause apparently I'm "so messed up in head and out that you could smell it from China." Liana words. So, they getting me out for shopping and girly day. Gotta love them.

"Ok, what should I wear?" I asked myself, while went through my closet. "Too much, too dressy, too revealing, how even this get here? I wouldn't wear it even if I'd be paid. " Ugh, look, now I'm talking to myself. Great. I must look like a freak.

"No, you are not" someone from behind said.

"AHH. Shit, you scared my to death,.." I turned around and saw.." ...Harry" I didn't expect it. He chuckled and smiled that million dollars smile.

"Hello to you too. What's the occasion?" Harry pointed to dress I was holding. I looked at it and threw it on the ground.

"It's nothing, just looking through my crappy clothes, something" I said and turned around to keep searching. I grabbed some top and looked at them in the mirror.

"How about this one?" Harry asked. I turned to look at him. He was holding a beautiful top with jeans. I smiled to him.

"Looks like someone has got a very good taste in style" I said and grabbed it from him.

"My name Styles not for nothing" Harry winked and I giggled. I immediately stopped. Did I just freaking giggle?

"I think you did" Harry said and I looked at him confused. Oh, no...

"Did I said it out loud?" I asked. And he nodded and laughed. Great.

"Now, I can't even think without saying it loud" I said and pulled my top off. Harry's eyes widen.

"I-um..I-.." he said. I looked at him confused. I pulled that top, what Harry gave me, on. Then I pulled my sweatpants off and Harry coughed.

"What? It's not you haven't seen me like this before" I said sarcastically.

He stood there awkwardly and looked me up and down. He smirked at the end and I showed him my middle finger. I put my jeans on and looked at the mirror. It is very good math. I put some heels on and bracelet on. Harry looked at me all the time, his eyes never left my body, he watched all my moves. I turned to him and smiled.

"You needed something?" I asked. It wasn't mean to come that rude, but oh well.

"No, it's nothing. I just walked near and hear you talking. Just wanted to make sure, everything's ok" he said and I nodded.

"How you see, I'm all good" I said and turned around to brush my hair. Harry scratched his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah... I guess. I should probably be going" He said and turned to go.

"Oh, ok.." I said and watched him leaving. Door shut. I sighed and fall on the bed. I'm such an idiot. My phone started vibrate. I picked it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Girl, go down, I'm waiting!" Liana's voice said.

"K, k. I'm coming" I said and hung up. I stood up and looked at the mirror one last time. I ran my hand through my hair.

"Here comes nothing" I said to myself. I grabbed my pocket and went down.

Luke P.O.V.

"How long you will be out?" I asked my beautiful girl. She pretended to think.

"About 2 or 3 hours" she said and smiled. I groaned.

"What are you doing for 3 hours?" I asked. Girls, I will never understand them.

"Shopping, girls talks and ... shopping" she said and pecked my cheek.

"Text me?" I asked and she nodded.

"Of course" she said and I kissed her on the lips. I put my hands on her waist. Her was on my cheek. We pulled away and she smiled at me.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" she said but soon her face fell.

"What's wrong?" I asked, I hate to see girls sad.

"It, everything. We are doing this, is wrong. We are so horrible. I can't do this, I always feel so guilty and dirty. I just want to this feeling go away" she said and I smiled.

"I know, that are you talking, I feel this way too. But, if we tell, she will kill us. I'm not ready for this now. Can we just wait a little and then we can tell. Face the truth" I asked and looked at her eyes. Good, those eyes.

"I don't know, if I can d it. It's to much for me. I'm not that person. I never did something like that before." she said.

"I know, know. Trust me, me either. But please for us and others sake, few days and I will tell, please?" I asked.

"AHH... Ok. But just few days" she stated and I smiled. I nodded and kissed her again.

"I must go, bye love" she said and pecked my lips.

"Bye" I said and she got out of my car. I waved her and drove away. Can't risk be seen. I know, what you will say, you so bad and jerk. I know cause I tell it myself everyday, but I guess for love you can do anything.


DADAM! So, what you think peeps? Let me know in the comments below!!

also, if you see other stories with the same plot line or even completelly identical story let me know, because I found out that one girl copied my whole story and posted it on wattpad as her own. It completely disgusted me that there are people who copy others work and take credits for it. People like me on this site and similar ones are here because they love writing and creating and they want to share their creations, stories and ideas. And the fact that other people come here to post other people, like mine, stories and ideas just to gain votes and recognition or even popularity is beyond me. Like why do you do this? Write something on your own and maybe you will like and even people will find your work and give you some comments or opinions, no need for plagiarism and faking. Ok, end of the rant.

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter and byyyee!!

P.S. Outfit of Destiny on the side :)


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