Fights and talks

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"I love you too, brother" I said and went upstairs with Li to my room.

"It's not over! Little Payne!!" I heard Liam screaming. I fell on my bed and just fell asleep immediately.

I woke up in the morning with a big headache.

"Ow" I groaned and heard someone giggling. I sat and looked around to see Li sitting near and looking at me.

"What?" I asked and put my hand in my hair.Eww... It's so messy.

"Hangover, uh?" she laughed. I never drank so much before, it's so not good feeling now. Not. ever. again.

"Oh, shut up" I said and threw a pillow to her face.

"Get up, sleepy head. Breakfast is waiting. Don't worry I saw boys and we're fine. They are normal." she said and I raised my eyebrows at her in confusion. They pop stars how can they be fine? Or better... normal?? "Normal like famous people can be normal" she said and I again looked at her confused. What are you talking about, girl?? It doesn't even make sense... "Ugh, you get the point. Now! GET UP!!" Li yelled causing me to cover my ears from exploring. Damn girl! You said yourself. HANGOVER. I glared at her and she stuck her tongue at me and went downstairs. I sighed and went to the bathroom. I got long shower and dressed up. I put my skinny shirt and short gray shorts. I had my pink uggs and my hair was in ponytail. I brushed my teeth and went down too. I remembered Liam yelling yesterday. Ow, I'm in deep trouble.

"Morning, drunken head" Louis said when I sat next to him.

"Shut up, Tommo" I said. They all were sitting at the table and eating in a silence.  I sat next to Louis and Li on my other side. Harry sat between Louis and Liam. Zayn sat near Niall, who sat next to Li. Liam looked at me angrily and I rolled my eyes.

"OK. I'm sorry that I didn't take my phone and I got back home late and drunk yesterday. Sorry that I had fun and I said I love you, k? Now can we go to best buddy sister-brother zone?" I asked. In my head it sounded a little better and more reassuring. I didn't mean to snap like that, but these situations always were too annoying to me. If you know what I mean. Liam looked at me and sighed.

"It's the last time, Destiny. I'm tired of your this life. In old school you were better person, you didn't drank and weren't  somewhere, where I don't know the hell it is. I don't like new you" Liam said and my jaw dropped. I can't believe. I was going to tell him something back but door bell rang. Damn it.

"I got it" I said and went to open door. I saw Luke standing there with flowers in his hands. I looked at him confused. Wha-?Then I remembered our kiss. How could I forget? He handed flowers to me.

"Hello Destiny. It's for you" he said and I smiled.

"Thank you, they so beautiful" I said and let him in.

"Not as beautiful as you" he said to me. I blushed a little and he kissed my cheek.

"Destiny Rose Payne, will you do me a favor being my girlfriend?" Luke asked. I nodded quickly and hugged him.

"Yes" I said.

"Yeah!" he yelled and I laughed. He kissed me and I kissed back. I'm Luke's girlfriend! Yes! Yes! Yes!

We went to kitchen hand-in-hand. They all looked at us weirdly but Li. She started dancing and running around like a mad woman.

"Yeah, yeah. I knew it, yeah. I was right! In your face" she screamed and we both laughed.

"Do I'm only one, who don't know what's happening here?" Niall asked confused.

"No, mate. I guess Destiny wants to tell us something" Zayn said.

"So?" Liam asked. He's not angry anymore?? o_O

"This is Luke, my boyfriend" I said simply and Luke put his arms around my waist.

"Congratulation!" Louis sang and hugged me.

"Thanks, Tommo" I said to him. They all said theirs congrats but Liam and of course Harry.

"Liam, I'm sorry really-" I started.

"No, I'm sorry. I was jerk. Now come on. My little sister has a boy!" he said and hugged me.

"Thank you" I said. Liam smiled at me. Now all the boys and Li were looking at Harry.

"What?! I'm not going to bless this!" Harry said and stormed out of the room. I looked at others weirdly and struggled it off.It's his problem, not mine. I felt Luke tense.

"Who's he?" he asked. I knew he's talking about Harry.

"Harry. Don't worry, leave him alone" I said and kissed Luke's cheek.

We ate food, played games and talked. I noticed Harry very tensed. It's weird. In the evening Luke went home and Li too. But it looked like Li didn't want to leave Niall. They looked very close to each other. I'll need to get them together. I have a mission!

Now we are sitting in living room and watching movies. I sat between Niall and Louis. I haven't seen Harry since lunch, after Luke left. I don't care through. I felt tired and put my head on Niall's shoulder.

"You like Li?"  I asked him and thought for a minute.

"She's funny and beautiful" he said dreamily.

"She likes you too" I said and winked.

"You think so?" he asked with a spark in his eyes.

"No, I know it" I said and smiled. "I'm going to bed, night" I said and was going to my room but Liam stopped me.

"Um?" I asked.

"Am, how I can say you... Um.. Ah.. Whatever" he said.

I looked at him confused but I didn't fight, I was too tired. Whatever, he wanted to say, he'll have to tomorrow. I went upstairs to my room.

Liam P.O.V.

 I felt very bad about Destiny. I didn't say her, I just couldn't. But she will know soon.

"Mate, you told her?" Louis asked and I shook my head.

"Nope. But she will know soon" I said.

"Why Harry acting so strange lately?" Niall asked.

"I dunno. He's very weird" I said and Zayn nodded.

"I'll talk to him, tomorrow" Louis said and I smiled.

"Destiny in three, two, one" I said and we heard Des screaming. I said she will know soon.

"Oh, boy" Zayn said. Yeah, definitely, oh boy.


Thank you everyone for reading my story, I really appreaciate it :) Love you

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