He looked at me, his eyes a dark shade of blue, he looked scared. Why? It worried me, I wanted to know.

 "Are you okay, did he touch you?" his voice suddenly turned so soft, it was like he had split personality or something.

"I'm okay" he pinched the bridge of his nose, and shut his eyes. I realized that he was blaming himself for letting me alone to the washroom, he was blaming himself because Built Bulldozer cornered me.

I walked upto him, and held his hand, he opened his eyes and I offered him a smile. "I'm okay" I reassured him, "This is all my fault" he looked towards the cars and tried to walk away.

I held on to his hand tighter, "Don't blame yourself, you were there with me and nothing happened Sam, I'm alright" he still didn't look at me. I tugged on his hand and he stared at me, with a foreign emotion.

"Besides, if you hadn't interrupted I was going to go all Judo on that bulldozer's ass." I took the typical karate stance, and stood back straight. This did the work, he looked down and chuckled while shaking his head. My heart fluttered at that sight, and I couldn't help but grin in return.

"What am I going to do with you Wilson?" he asked with a smile on his face.

"For now, just take me away." He stared at me for a few seconds, "Let's go."

I followed him to his car. My jaw touched the road below, when he stopped right in front of a black Lamborghini. He clicked the unlock button on his key, and the car winked

He opened the passenger door for me, "Is this seriously your car?"

"Why would I ask you to sit in somebody else's car?" he countered. I got in, he rounded the car, and sat in the driver's seat. He turned on his car, and the roar of it gave me goosebumps.

"So, what's up?" I don't know why I asked that, he was practically with me the whole night.

"I guess you're still a little drunk" he replied and gave me an amused look. 

Suddenly, I started feeling guilty because he could not enjoy the party because of me.

"You know, you can just drop me here, I'll catch a cab home, you go enjoy the party, I'm just coming in your way and I don't want to do that...." I was rambling by then, when he stopped the car.

He turned to me and said, "I am exactly where I want to be, it's this, any day, any time over those stupid parties."

I just stared at him, at a loss of words. The way he just said it, he had no idea what it did to me. I wonder if he too feels this way. Wait, was he drunk too? Did he just say that so I don't blame myself, or was it just a spur of the moment thing.

I was lost in all these negative assumptions when he opened my door. When did he even get down and come here. 

He held his hand out for me, and my smart ass said "huh". He just smiled at me, "Come, I don't bite, unless you want me to."

"Wow, how cliché is that." I rolled my eyes, but placed my hand in his palm. It's strange how in the span of a few hours I had grown fond of holding his hand. Warm and perfect, just like the way every novel described it.

I stepped outside, and shivered immediately "Looks like it rained." the road was wet and it glistened with the reflection of the street lights. "No shit Sherlock."

I was going to hit him with my comeback when he opened the car door again, he held his black jacket out for me, which was lying in the back seat. "What are you going to wear then, it's cold."

"I've been told that I am hot, so it'll be fine I guess" he said smirking.

I wore his jacket, it was almost as long as my dress. 5'2, yeah.

We were on the Manhattan bridge. It was spectacular. The lights from the bridge and the sound of the flowing river just made it all appear so magical. His presence, mainly.

I stood by the railing with my arms on it, where as Sam faced the other side with his elbows resting on the railing. We stood still in silence for I don't know how long. There was a faint smile on my face, which just refused to leave.

I saw Sam glancing at me time to time from the side, and I was doing the same. I dared and turned to him and yes, I was right, there was a faint smile plastered on his face too as he continued looking at the passing cars.

"Thank you, for everything....for this...night." I said after staring at him for a good thirty seconds. He turned to me and his smile was directed at me, I turned around and faced the river again.

The way the sound of the flowing river and the sound of the cars passing by complimented each other, was soothing. It was around 1:30 am now, this city was beautiful to another level at night, especially in April, on a rainy night.

"The pleasure is mine." I smiled but I didn't look at him.

"I love nights" I said.

"They're magical" he replied after a moment.

He moved a little closer to me, our arms were touching now, sparks shot up my body at the contact, but I was not complaining. "What are you thinking?" I asked.

"What if someone who is really special to us, really important to us, leaves us?"

"If you're equally important to them they would come back to you no matter what, not because it's destiny, but, because that's what they want too. And if they don't, then it's not meant to be, take it that way" I smiled at him.

There was a soft smile on his face which didn't reach his eyes, but his eyes searched my face for something, I don't know and I looked away.

He had been with me throughout this time, handled my tipsy ass, dance-y ass, oh the dance.

I felt the typical butterfly effect in my stomach. One thing was clear, I was immensely attracted to Sam Anderson. I don't know if it is more than just attraction, and I was okay with it. For once I was okay of not knowing something clearly, I was okay with not being sure.

For now I just wanted to be in the moment and remember every bit of it. Mostly, I wanted to remember ever moment spent with him.

That April In The RainWhere stories live. Discover now