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Jung Wooyoung's body was pressed against yours.

While your body was pressed against the door he had locked.

Your breathing was heavy, so was his, your lips touched now and then as he whispered things against them. Your eyes were closed but you still didn't whisper back. Your body was frozen. You couldn't move as it shivered over and over again. His eyes were digging holes into your face since he couldn't look into yours.

"Please, give me an answer at least"

Whispered the black-haired male against your lips as you try your best to not bite yours. One move and your lips would touch his. But it already happened before, why were you so afraid now?

Maybe because you didn't want to give in.

You didn't want to believe you felt this strong attracted and attached to him. This is not what you wanted. Not when you didn't even believe in it. Believe in love. But the world wasn't going to ask what you believe in and what you don't. Neither was your fate. It was going to move and move. Just like time, cause simply it was controlled by time itself. Time was moving and moving forward,

Nevertheless you still didn't. You didn't want to move you were frozen onto the place. Time and fate wasn't going to stop you from it. You were going to fight them. How were you? Could you even? Your eyes meet the males brown orbs once again as you see the severe yet familiar emotion in them. And just like that your breath gets heavier than it already was..

Why did Jung Wooyoung make you fear so much? He wasn't even trying that much. All he had to do was look into your eyes and you would feel your knees get sluggish like a pudding.


You whisper his name as you push him away a little making the boy's expressions change as soon as he took a look on your face. Jung Wooyoung ran with his hand through his lengthy pitch black hair as her sighed a little bit contentious.

He knew you didn't want to answer.
But he also knew he wasn't going to wait.
He wasn't.

Was that a good thing? Or a bad one? Don't people always say ; "wait if you really love that person"? Love is patient, isn't it?

But in Jung Wooyoung's head something different was being held.

and that was,

'It will be late if he waits. '

But would it really? How is he so sure? How is he so sure that him waiting for you is going to lose what you guys have?

Simply because he didn't believe in a few words;

"For love it never is too late."

It's what the old yet at the same time young looking woman had whispered to him as her hands were on his hair. His back then innocent looking eyes had stared through the mirror reflection in front of him just to meet the very alike like himself's eyes of his dearest mother.

"Love has it's own time love will never end."

"But mom, why do people lose each other then?"

Had asked the innocent looking child with his puppy eyes. He was referring to someone specific someone that meant a lot to him. Someone who maybe meant a lot to the woman behind him too. Wooyoung had watched his mother continue to brush his short hair a little before going with her hand through it and making them a little bit fluffy such as messy.

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