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You didn't know what exactly had happened after you had whispered the last words towards Jung Wooyoung but you for sure knew that your legs took you away.

Far away.

From the table, from the huge room, then the building, then everything.

You didn't know what to exactly feel but you noticed the tears that streamed down your face as your legs made their way out of school as fast as possible. You were out of breath. And you alone didn't know where you were taking yourself to.

But you never noticed that someone was following you.

As you come to a halt after a while you plop on a seat which was exactly near to you. People that passed by send you either worried or weird glances which didn't really have an effect on you. You weren't able to process much outside.

A sob left the corner of your lips as you let your face sink onto your hands. Usually, you weren't the type of person to break in tears at everything but this time it just seemed to happen. And you didn't know how immediate it came.

As you feel yourself almost drown into your own tears and the breeze had hit your skin making you shiver, you don't notice the certain presence next to you.

It was all suddenly quiet yet peaceful. You felt suddenly get pulled into something hard yet comfortable which made you whine a little but as soon as your eyes move up you almost flinch when you look into the dark ones.

Choi San still managed to send a small adorable dimple smile your way as you got lost into his dark eyes. Why was he there? What did he do? Did he saw everything? How did he even? You sob even louder noticing that he was one of the reasons why it all happened. And you couldn't properly procedure why he all of the sudden stood there. But you for sure needed a shoulder to cry on.

So that's what you did.

Bury your face into his chest and cry yourself out.

All the time.

And time passed by fast.

The day had almost turned into night as the sky had started slowly to turn into dark blue after the bright pinkish mixed with orange had colored it before. Time. The time had passed by like a flying butterfly and while it, you had calmed down. On Choi San's shoulder. You almost we're falling asleep but luckily he had woken you up.

It was weird yet awkward. You didn't know what to say but you were thanking yourself that you ran far away from your school and didn't stop near it. The panic which rushed through your veins after you thought someone from your school might see you and suspect you, even more, didn't leave as you stood directly up looking down on Choi San.

All the time it was quiet. He didn't even say a thing. You neither. And both you and the male didn't even have the tiniest notion what to do so all you commit which made you hate yourself even more after it is clear your throat awkwardly after a small 'thank you' left your lips.

You turn around to leave as fast as possible. Fast as possible. That's what you thought at least before someone tightened their grip around your wrist.


Whispered the male sending shivers down your spine. You didn't comprehend how to react to it so you just stay like that for some seconds biting your underlip as you turn around. Your eyes started shimmering soon as the flashbacks of everything that previously had happened. The fact that the main reason may be possibly was standing in front of you didn't make you feel at your best. It just make you feel worse.

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