"Thank you soo much!" she giggled out as she reached around his waist for a hug. Bingo, within a few seconds she had his wallet in her hand. Right as she broke the embrace she slipped it away into her back pocket.

"Uhh no problem, what's your name by the way?" Kyle said, turning to leave the driveway.

"It's Catra! I'll see you at school Kyle!" She waved as he walked away.

"Fucking idiot." She said to herself as she pulled Kyles wallet out to count how much she'd made. This kid was carrying around about forty dollars in cash and he had his debit card in his wallet. Score.

She knocked on Tungs front door while she finished searching the wallet. She took what she needed from it and then threw the wallet itself out into the street. The large snake faunus answered the door and ushered her in.

"Catra, whats up?" He spoke with a deep voice.

"Just hoping to buy some bud." She said stepping into his house and sitting down on the grimy looking couch.

"Yeah no problem, you need something else?" He said as he opened a few drawers to show her a couple of different glass pipes.

"Yeah, my last bowl broke so maybe I can just buy one off you?" She said leaning back and getting comfortable.

He held out a small plastic bag full of pot and a black and red bowl.

"Twenty for each. You got forty on you?" He said holding both out to her.

"Actually, yes I do." She smiled and held the money out.

"If you stay, hang out, I'll smoke you up for free." He spoke after they made their trade. He was counting the money and continued speaking.

"Got a couple of the guys coming over later to hang out. I could introduce you, maybe get you thinking about joining up?" His voice bellowed as he sat down on the couch next to her.

"Will there be booze too?" She asked, glancing over with a huge grin on her face.

"I wouldn't have a saturday party without booze." He laughed out before moving from the seat to show her a few bottles he had stored in the other drawers.

"Fuck yeah I'll stay." She said as her mind trailed back to Adora's house. She closed her eyes hard and tried not to think about how her goody two shoes foster sister would feel about this.

After a little while, people started to show up. They were all talking, smoking, drinking, and having a good fucking time. Catra was already pretty high and starting to feel pretty tipsy as the gang were all pouring more drinks.

"You want another kitty cat?" One of them said as he poured a drink and held it out to Catra.

"Don't call me that." She said blankly before taking the cup from him and downing its contents.

"Why not? A sweet little kitty like you? I mean just look at you." The man said as he reached for Catra's tail. Just before he grabbed it, she pushed him back.

"Don't ever touch my fucking tail." She cursed out before reaching into her bag that was sitting on the couch. She pulled out her switchblade and twirled it around in her hand. The man put both his hands up.

"Okay sweetheart. Tails off limits." He smiled while keeping his hands up.

"All of me is off limits alright?" She popped the blade out and held it in his direction before nodding at him.

"You're a feisty one. You'll be good for this gang that's for sure." He laughed and put his hands down walking into the other room.

Tung walked over to Catra after catching the little scene out of the corner of his eyes. He handed her another drink before sitting down next to her on the couch.

"You're a tough bitch, I like that. If you want a spot here, you got it." He spoke as he watched her down another drink. By this point she was beginning to really feel it.

"Thanks.. I'll see. I should really get going." She said as she glanced outside noticing it was pitch black.

"Sure, you need one of the guys to walk you home?" He asked

"Nah, I'll be fine." She mumbled before standing. She waved just before opening the door and heading outside. It was a cold september night. Fuck.

Catra was stumbling and shivering. High and drunk. All these feelings at once were really overwhelming to her senses. She was trying to remember the way home in her impared state. All her drunk mind was thinking about was Adora, she wanted to get back and see the girl even though she knew that eventually they'd never talk again. She wanted momentary comfort. All she's ever had in her life was momentary comfort. Nothing was ever permanent and she knew that.

Finally she stumbled in the front door after three attempts at using her key to open the door. It must have been somewhere around two in the morning. She barely made her way upstairs and opened the bedroom door to see Adora laying back to back with some girl in her bed. The couch was taken by a darker skinned boy who was using Catra's sheet.

What the fuck.

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