"wait but—!"

they shut the door on her face after forcefully pushing her out even though y/n was so close to realizing herself.

she sighed and looked to the side, a spiky ash blond catching her attention.

"bakugou!" she rushed up to him. "are you okay? hurt anywhere?"

he grunted and glared.

"i'm fine. where's y/n?"

"kachaan!" izuku came up behind katsuki. "you need to be checked up! we took you to this hospital only because you agreed to this!"

"i don't give a shit, i'll do that later. where's y/n?"

her mother pointed to the door she was shoved out of.

"they kicked me out—"

he pushed past her and forcefully opened the door to y/n with a breathing mask and nurses hovering over her. he pushed them aside to see her numb face and dull eyes.

"what happened to you, baby?" his voice was soft but still managed to break a little at the end.

"kat..suki?" she said, though the breath mask muted her.

"sir, you can't be here right now—" he gave them a glare.

"ah! you're th-the kid who—" the nurse pointed to the tv.

"yeah. scram, i can calm her down."

they stepped back reluctantly when they say how katsuki's hands sparked a little towards them.

he faced towards her again and took off the mask.

"katsuki." she smiled.

"y/n, i'm back." he smiled back.

she sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck, snuggling into him as he held her waist.

"i knew you would. i knew it. because i was good."

he found that comment weird but didn't question it until her mom came in beside her.

"y/n, do you understand now?" she was panting and pulled up a chair.

"understand.." y/n let go of the hug, katsuki still holding onto her waist as the two of them turned to look at her mom.

"you aren't selfish, baby."

"i..." she looked around rapidly at all of the thoughts in her head before holding her breath and becoming "normal again."

shinsou, kirishima, and izuku watched from the doorway.

"you still think that?" katsuki turned to y/n. "babe, you're not. you're really not." his soft voice surprised the people watching. "you said you believed me when i told you that, so why's it coming back? do you not trust—"

"no, katsuki i love you very much." she said flatly, clinging onto his arms.

"whatever your step-dad told you isn't true, you can't live your entire life confined by that bastard."

"i already thought like this before he came." she looked to the side. "you remember when my dad died?"

he nodded.

"it was because of me. i didn't notice he was sad, so i kept misbehaving—"

"it wasn't you." his mom and katsuki said together and he grunted at her to keep out of the conversation.

"y/n, it wasn't you. your dad was depressed because of other things. if you're gonna blame anyone for you misbehaving, blame it on me. we did it together, right?"

"no, you're too good, i couldn't. you're never a problem, katsuki."

"and you are?"

"yes. after my mom got sad, i didn't know what to do. i tried my hardest to make her happy but it didn't work, so she got s/d/n."

"i know you tried hard, baby, but it wasn't you!"

"it was! why can't any of you see?" she removed herself from katsuki and held her head, katsuki coming closer to embrace her. "it was my fault! it was my fault! i couldn't save dad, i couldn't make mom happy, i couldn't follow s/d/n's rules and made everyone else in my life miserable! just admit you find me annoying, okay? i'm stubborn and selfish and don't deserve anything in my life!" tears started falling down her face again, struggling against katsuki's hug.

"we don't think that, idiot!"

"i'm ugly and fat, i have so many issues that i just bottle up! i had trouble making friends so i made myself outgoing, but it just drove people away! you even told me that you wouldn't like me unless i was cool and powerful! i can't—"

"y/n!" katsuki roared. "i said that to you because they were the first words i thought of to already describe you.

i love you just the way you are, annoying and stubborn. you don't have to keep me happy to make me stay. in fact even if you hated me, i still probably couldn't keep myself away.

everyone has flaws, including me, including you." he shushed her heavily breathing and cradled her in his arms. "even if you became a criminal, i would love you. if you killed me, i'd still love you. even if you were shunned by the entire world, i'd stay beside you." he gulped, not wanting the tears to spill out.

"n/n, you don't have to make us like you, we already liked you for you." izuku walked up to the bed. "since we were kids, i've always looked up to you. not for any other reason except you were you."

"i know mina likes you a whole bunch. sero thinks you're amazing for putting up with bakugou, kaminari adores you. i think you're a good person, y/n." kirishima followed.

"good...person." she repeated.

"y/n, you came into my life and wrecked it all. you're persistent, wild, and annoying, but i wouldn't have it any other way. i wouldn't be friends with you unless you were..you. i didn't have many friends before you for a reason. we like you the way you are." shinsou's lip trembled for a moment.

"you don't have to fix all of my problems, you don't have to go along with everything i say." katsuki loosened his grip on her to see her shocked face. "i love you for you, not because you're perfect, not because you do things for me. i love you because you are you. you understand, really?"

"i...i understand." she returned katsuki's embrace and cried into his t-shirt. "thank you!" she cried.

"thank you."

♡ ♡ ♡

that was longer than i expected it 0.o

++sorry if updates r slow i started school today i'm just feeling rly unmotivated;-;

i didn't rly look thru this but i'm building a new pc soon so i can properly edit :)

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