Chapter 47

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The king of a cleansed and restored Kemarian monarchy stepped up onto a raised platform in the palace's celebratory hall and cleared his throat. From where Brant sat at a table against the back wall with Hannah, Aaron, Wendy, and Keira, the monarch appeared resplendent in the warm lighting cast down by traditional Kemarian chandeliers, adorned in his shimmering violet robes that bolstered his masculine silhouette.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen." the king began in a voice both commanding and compassionate, "My original speech was...far too long, I'm afraid, a few dozen pages, if I remember correctly."

A wave of laughter washed up from his captive audience, drawing a grin to his charming face. The corners of his almond-shaped eyes wrinkled as he beamed down on them.

"But I trimmed it down to no pages at all, a speech so short I can keep it in here." he said, tapping his forehead. "So I speak to you now in commencement of our celebration, a commemoration of our victory over Alconte at the place of the Iron Pillars two months ago. As you can see, wine glasses and full bottles lie at every table, so if you find yourself unable to bear even a short speech, perhaps you can soften the blow in that way."

Brant chuckled and glanced back at the sound of liquid filling a glass. Keira flashed her teeth at him as she did exactly what the king had described. Wendy followed suit.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, and if I hadn't been there myself, I could hardly believe the Battle of the Iron Pillars ever happened. I mean, it sounds just like something out of a fairy tale, does it not? Granted, a gritty and dystopian fairy tale it would be, but think about it: Nine armies assembling against one massive horde, headed by a man claiming to be a god? To me, at least, it hardly sounds real."

The king inhaled a deep breath. "But yet, it was real, as many of you here well know. And that is why we celebrate here today. Now, first, I wish to give recognition to the four bravest men I can possibly imagine, Brant Nayan, Aaron Korynn, Baird Amergin, and Ace Parker. These unimaginably tenacious individuals ascended Dove's Knoll and slew the violent god of peace himself. Men, if you are here, please stand and accept our applause."

Brant laid a hand on Aaron's shoulder as they rose. He gratefully accepted the round of clapping hands directed their way before darting his eyes around. Where are Baird and Ace?

He glanced down at Keira. "I thought you said Baird was coming."

She shrugged. "I think they're running a little late."

He sighed and nodded. Brant glanced up just in time to see Ace emerge from the shadows way across the room with a smug grin on his face. He tossed a massive fern leaf onto the floor beneath his feet before lighting a match and dropping it atop of the vegetation. Several men and women screamed as flames leapt up.

"Calm down, people." Ace said, "I've got extinguishers. And the floor's stone over here anyway."

A demonic hiss filled the air as the flames crackled, and when the tongues of fire eventually died off, revealing a shriveled black silhouette of the former fern, so did the spiritual voice.

"Didn't mean to make a scene, your highness." Ace muttered, stepping closer to the speaking platform. "I'm standing."

The king coughed awkwardly, but his charisma soon returned to him. "Well, men, you may be seated now."

"No thanks." Ace said, casually leaning against the base of the pedestal.

Brant smirked and saluted his friend as he and Aaron sat back down. Ace flippantly returned the gesture.

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