Chapter 42

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A brisk and clear morning dawned on the conglomerate camp as Brant, Aaron, and Baird prepared themselves for a final confrontation with Dove. Aaron had risen at 4 in the morning, the same time as Trackenkaken, in hopes of cobbling together a new godkiller compound taking less time to mature, but ultimately found nothing.

Brant had just finished a hearty breakfast, and now, with his two companions flanking him, he stepped through the entrance to the medical tent once more. Ace sat up at the sound of their footsteps, and a reserved smile crept onto his face.

"So, you're off?" he asked.

Brant swallowed hard and nodded. "We are."

"Well, do better than we did." Ace said, reaching out his fingers for a handshake.

Brant accepted the gesture, adding a one-armed hug to the farewell. Aaron gave Ace one of his characteristic bear hugs, while Baird only had a handshake and awkward pat on the shoulder for him.

Sila shuffled into the tent behind them with a clipboard in its slender fingers. Laying it down on a nearby table, the robot mechanically hugged its master.

"Hit him hard." Sila commanded.

Aaron chuckled. "Will do, buddy."

Baird stepped up to the robot after Aaron backed away. "Well, see ya, Sila."

"That almost rhymed."

The swordsman laughed. "I guess so."

"Goodbye. Don't die."

"I'll strive not to."

Now Brant approached Sila and shook its cold metal hand. "Take good care of Ace for me, okay?"

"It's my job."

"Fair enough."

Sila stepped over to the tent flap and pulled it open for the three men. "Slay him, friends."

Brant nodded. "We will."

With that, the three wove back through the maze of tents, making their way to the southeast side pointing toward Dove's Knoll. Also waiting that direction was a farewell committee, among whom Brant spotted a sleepy Hannah.

The three first met Wendy, who nodded quickly at Brant before directing her gaze on Aaron. "I got the colossus armor ready for you, love."

Aaron grinned and pulled her into his arms. "Thanks, Wendy. You rock."

Wendy stretched her neck slightly to kiss his lips. "So do you. Now slay that bloody god and get back in time for supper. Or earlier."

"So demanding. Yes ma'am." Aaron jested.

Brant inhaled when Wendy's eyes rested on him again. He widened his eyes in surprise when she threw her arms around him as well.

"You're all bloody brave men." she said, "And that warrants a hug from me."

Brant chuckled and patted the blonde's back before releasing her. After she gave Baird an embrace of his own, they moved on down the line.

Keira was next. She seemed to rush through her farewell to Brant before leaping into her brother's arms and resting her head on his shoulder. After they exchanged a few quiet words Brant couldn't hear, she planted two kisses on each cheek and hopped down. She also gave Baird a firm embrace, accompanied by just two kisses in all for him.

Trackenkaken gave Brant a reserved smile when he rested his eyes on him. "Fight well." he said, offering his hand, "And have each others' backs."

"Will do, sir." Brant said with a professional grin of his own. "And you, lead Innutuk to a fresh victory."

"I don't intend to forsake the crown."

Brant nodded and cast a glance over his shoulder, seeing that Baird now stared into his phone, immersed in a video call with his redheaded wife. His face seemed brighter than Brant had seen it in a long while.

Brant continued on to Ryder while Aaron exchanged a few words with Track behind him.

"I wish you success in this fight, and few wounds." Ryder said.

Brant smiled. "Thank you. I wish the same on you."

Brant stepped away, and behind him, he heard Aaron offering Ryder some hearty words of encouragement, which the straight-faced man seemed overwhelmed by. Baird, meanwhile, remained engrossed in his call and passed Ryder by as well.

Finally, Brant approached Hannah, and both of their faces brightened upon meeting eyes. The girl jumped up, and Brant caught her in his arms. His heart raced when she dropped a kiss on his lips. He closed his eyes and breathed a sigh after inhaling her natural scent mingled with a light citrusy perfume.

"I'll see ya later, darlin'." Hannah said softly in his ear. "I love ya."

Brant caressed the back of her head, enjoying the feeling of her hair in his fingers. "You too, darlin'. I reckon it'll be a while, but I'll be back."

Hannah's nose wrinkled as she laughed. "Are you mockin' me?"

"Sorta." he said as he let her down onto her feet. Once he did, he grasped her shoulders in his hands and stared deeply into her coffee brown eyes. "Be careful back here, okay?"

"That's what I was plannin'."


He kissed her one last time and turned to direct his steps finally to Dove's Knoll. Then he heard her voice behind him again, so he turned to listen.

"You be careful too, darlin'." Hannah called out, "He ain't no joke."

"I know. Neither am I." Brant glanced at Aaron. "Excuse me, neither are we."

She grinned at his words. Then Brant watched as she gave Aaron a hearty embrace, quickly followed by one for Baird.

Brant waited while Aaron put on his armor and Baird finished up his call. He took the time to glance over the camp again, and his spirits rose. The colorful flag of the Jasmidianite Insurgence now waved over another section of the base, in close proximity to the banner of the Ferangian Resistance, dotted with red and white and stretched across two flagpoles. A maimed Alcontean flag also floated over the Ferangian camp, so vigorous was their hatred of the Empire.

Gazing into the distance to the west, Brant spotted a military caravan traveling over the horizon, a company of Forbacheans. Ace's flesh and blood, he reminded himself. It'll be a big day.

Finally, Baird and Aaron reclaimed their spots at Brant's sides, and the trio set off for the Knoll. A short walk across the dew-laden grass took them to the jagged rock face. They skirted around the wall for a few minutes before Brant stopped at a pass between two spires of stone. Before them lay an uneven staircase blended into the mountainside just gracefully enough to appear like a natural formation.

Brant's gaze travelled up the stairway, where a few feet of ascending would take them into a cloud of mist that hung over the rocky ascension. A glance back at the sky behind them brought him the realization that all the cloudiness and mist lingered only on the Knoll. Dark clouds swirled above the uninviting peaks, in contrast with the clear, brightening skies behind them.

With a sigh, he glanced back at Baird. The swordsman visibly gulped and gave him a nod. Then Brant eyed Aaron in his colossus suit. With his head concealed, the only expression Brant received in turn was a salute.

Brant rolled his shoulders and took his first step. The trio ascended in single file, Aaron's heavy metallic footsteps rumbling loudly in the rear. Soon, they found themselves consumed in the lingering mist, unable to see the camp behind them.


A/N: Our goodbyes have been said, and our first steps have been taken to challenge the god. I feel the end drawing you? 

(If you enjoyed that chapter, please remember to vote and comment. Thanks!) 

Now, as you know, I usually write up longer notes, but since I couldn't update yesterday, today will be a double update. So I'll just get right to posting the next. See you there, hopefully! 

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