Chapter 40

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Hannah's brown eyes darted about in the darkness as her feet settled onto solid ground beneath the tree. Her gaze never landed on anything she could identify, which unsettled her. Is there really nothin' to see, or am I just missin' it?

She obeyed Ace's whispered command to stay put while he scouted ahead. He quietly circled their target tent, eyes and ears both working actively. Soon, he disappeared on the other side, and Hannah felt suddenly alone.

Ace returned in a few seconds, just as Hannah was pulling one of her godkiller cartridges off her belt and opening the socket on her laser gun designed to receive it. He shook his head, and with a wave of his hand, ordered her to return it to her belt.

"Two entrances." he muttered in her ear, brushing a lock of her hair aside for easier access. "One in the front, one in the back. And I think each one has a couple guards each. Probably more deeper inside, but I have no way to know for sure."

Hannah slowly nodded. "Alright, so, what're ya plannin'?"

"We'll go in the front. That way, Ryder'll have our backs if anybody tries to ambush us."


Ace gave his machine gun a once-over. "So, I'm gonna lunge through the front flap and take out the first two guards. I'll get them on the ground somehow. Once I do that, I want you to jump over me and—you've got a cartridge of regular laser juice or whatever in there, right?"


"Okay, so, once I take out the first pair of guards, I want you to leap over me and burn the two down near the back entrance. That's all we can plan for, and from there, we'll have to wing it."

Hannah's brow furrowed. "What about Albatross?"

"I'll figure something out."

"Well, ain't that good 'n reassurin'." she muttered.

"You've got some information I don't?" After pausing for a silent moment, he nodded. "Exactly. We're doing what I say, 'cause that's what's not gonna get us killed. Got it?"


"Let's move it. We might actually find time to sleep tonight."

With that, the pair dashed around to the front of the tent. Ace unsheathed his dagger and slashed apart the cords tying the front flap shut before lunging into the unknown. Hannah heard a thump like two skulls colliding, accompanied by muffled grunts. Then the thud of two bodies dropping to the ground. With that, she charged in.

Leaping through the tent flaps and over Ace, Hannah landed with a stumble, but still managed to pull the trigger of her laser gun on the first of two Alcontean soldiers near the back of the tent. He hissed as the red-hot beam sizzled his flesh and consumed his vocal cords. She turned the beam to the second man and burnt his voice away too before burning them up in earnest.

Hannah glanced around the tent frantically before relaxing. Only four more guards remained, and they slumbered noisily, draped over boxes and cabinets. Ace rose to his feet and gave the girl a nod of approval.

"So, what now?" Hannah asked, "Do I—"

Ace shook his head. "It'll take too long to kill them that way. The burn'll shock them awake, and then they'll scramble behind cover."

"Then what?"

"I always come prepared."

He slipped a slender device, much like a boxcutter in appearance, from the inside of his jacket. It only differed in that a small trigger lay near the barrel. Ace stepped to the first man, shot a flattened dart into his neck, and immediately moved on. Four quiet popping sounds later, he'd apparently finished his task.

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