Chapter 10

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Brant inhaled a deep breath and braced himself. His fingertips touched a bronze doorknob. Clenching his teeth together, he twisted it and opened the door. 

He found himself entering an insulated meditation chamber, which Aaron was using to contain the noise from his hammering. Wendy and Sila stood nearby, ready to help however they could. 

All three glanced up at Brant when he entered, and they silently stared. He cleared his throat and shuffled his feet. He struggled to ignore his racing heart. 

"Hey, Aaron," he said slowly, "I have an apology to make." 

Aaron's expression remained unchanged. "I'm listening." 

"I messed up terribly back at the Iron Skeleton. You begged me to come and help prevent Keira's capture, but I refused, and she suffered. You also, by extension. And for that, I'm terribly sorry. I can't imagine what it would be like to go around, thinking you've lost someone as dear as a sister." 

Aaron nodded. "Last time someone selfishly gave up my sister's life for their own pleasure, I wrung his neck." 

"It was justified." Sila interjected. 

"You're tellin' me." Aaron said with a slight chuckle, "He was something else." 

"Well," Brant began, "I can't deny that I deserve much the same. But I want to make amends, and I suppose rescuing her was a step toward that. Giving you a proper apology is a second." 

Aaron sighed and stared at Wendy for a long moment. Then he met Brant's gaze and shrugged. "I can say I forgive you all I want, but can I be real honest with you?" 

"Of course." 

"I have a really hard time forgiving people sometimes. I mean, if you've proven yourself heartless enough to sacrifice another person just for your pleasure, who's to say you won't do it again if it suits you? I can't help but be suspicious." 

Brant nodded. "It's not completely unjustified. But I know you have the capacity for forgiveness. After all, Hannah tells me Baird was a very different man when you first met him, yet you forgave him for his wrongs and now value him highly. I can only hope for a smidgen of the same." 

"See, but Baird, for all his faults, didn't even come close to doing what you did. Yeah, he was annoying, and a bit selfish in the beginning, but he really turned around. He gave himself up for us." 

"I know." Brant said, "My blunder was far more costly, and trust must be regained." 


A moment of silence lingered between the two. Then Brant took a step forward and laid a hand on Aaron's shoulder. "Well, just know, I'm truly sorry for everything I've done that's hurt you. It was foolish and self-centered of me, and I intend not to act that way ever again. And if I have every right to wring my neck." 

Aaron's brow furrowed. He fumbled over his words in visible uncertainty. " have my forgiveness, I guess. But not yet my trust." 

The two men shook hands. Then Brant turned to Wendy. "And I extend the same apology to you as well. I'm sure it was rough for you to go through, too." 

Wendy shrugged, a nonchalant gesture that reeked of fakery. "I'm just not giving you my bloody trust until you deserve it." 

"I can't reasonably expect anything more." Brant said, a slight smile on his lips. 

With that, he spun on his heel and exited the room. A wave of relief washed over him, and a mental burden peeled away. He could almost swear he'd grown lighter, and could walk with greater ease. 

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