Chapter 39

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Hannah put a hand over her mouth to muffle her breathing as she and Ace knelt behind a thorny shrub late that night. Keira and Ryder had just dashed ahead to scout out the next leg of their journey into the depths of the enemy encampment and take out any guards who posed too serious a threat. 

Hannah's heart thrashed in her chest as she spotted an Alcontean soldier stepping into the patch of moonlight they had just hurried across. He stooped down and studied the parted grass with squinted eyes that slowly swept their way. With her throat tightening, she turned her head to eye Ace, but he was no longer there. 

She nearly screamed when her dark-skinned companion lunged out of the darkness at the Alcontean. His arm tightened around the man's mouth as they tumbled to the ground together. The Alcontean's rifle clattered against a rock, but after that, the only sounds Hannah could hear were muffled grunts accompanied by the rustle of two men struggling in the grass. Finally, a sizzle, and Ace's opponent moved no more. 

Ace pocketed a tiny black device with a fading glow as he hustled back over to Hannah. He laid a hand on her shoulder and managed a smile. "Stop worrying, girl." he whispered, "We can do this." 

With a gulp, Hannah nodded and tried to convince herself he was correct. Was Sila really right, callin' ya optimism itself the other night? she asked herself. She quickly brushed it aside and prepared to follow Ace. 

Then she jumped at the sound of a voice speaking in her earpiece, Keira's. "All clear up here." she said, "There are some random dudes here and there, but we've got eyes on them." 

"So, just go for it?" Ace said, his voice sounding both in Hannah's ear itself and the device planted in it. 

"Just go for it. You can make it to that stone wall if you hurry." 

"Don't have to ask me twice." 

Ace tugged Hannah by her arm and led her out from the cover of the bush. Into the unknown darkness they travelled, and Hannah could swear her heart pounded loud enough to give them away. Their way of winding through the cluster of tents in no predictable pattern reminded Hannah of a corn maze, but scarier. 

She nearly screamed when a guard rounded the corner and spotted them, but a shuriken emerged from the darkness and ended him. Ace nudged her against the nearest tent and motioned for her to wait quietly. Covering her mouth with her hand again, she obeyed. 

Hannah heard very little sound around the corner. Only a few thumps, another muffled cry, a sound of metal against metal, then a splash of spewing liquid. Then Ace silently reappeared. Sheathing a bloodied dagger, he beckoned her over, and they continued stealing through the darkness. 

After more weaving through the labyrinth of tents, Hannah and Ace finally reached the stone wall. She leaned against it and waited while Ace kicked a nearby stone forward so he could step up and peer over the top. Hannah tensed again at the sound of movement above her, but it was only Keira descending from a tree branch hanging over the wall. She retracted the line and gave the girl a reassuring grin. 

"I see it." Ace hissed down at them before returning his attention to the camp beyond the wall. 

Keira frowned. "See what? I'm confused. Are we going for Dove first, or—" 

"We're nearer Albatross' tent. Not far from that tree." 

Ace scrambled to the top of the wall and stretched his arms out to balance himself. After motioning for the women to follow, he took a careful step forward, one foot in front of the other. He headed for the tree branch hanging over his narrow walkway. 

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