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{ "Home" }

Hinata's P.O.V


Naruto Eh? He must be a special kid to be getting kidnapped... "AH OF COURSE! HOW COULD I FORGET!" Sakura yelled as she ran back over to me. "Do we know him?" I asked her in pure confusion , she shook her head no. "We never really liked getting involved with the North. " she mumbled as we turned the corner.

"HOW COULD YOU!" We heard a harsh female voice yell, I snatched Sakura back around the corner as we pressed our ears to the wall to listen. "I'm sorry Ino forgive me.." a soft yet emotionless male voice sighed. "Ino?" I heard Sakura whisper, I cocked a brow at her " she's the North princes, but they aren't related by blood, she's adopted. " she sighed. I nodded my head, I decided to just walk past them seeing as I didn't feel like waiting for them to finish what seems to be a lover quarrel. "I- who are you!" The girl known as Ino yelled. "Are you talking to us?" Sakura glared at her as she looked down upon her.

"TCH, you don't scare me! South women and their towering heights and masculine builds" she mumbled the ending but I clearly heard "HEY SHUT IT PIG!" Sakura yelled as she looked at Ino with an annoyed look, I sweat-drop "Sakura let's just go to our room" I tried to reason, "HMPH FINE!" Sakura huffed as she pushed pass them. I gave Ino and the boy she was talking to a toothy grin. "The names Hinata!" I smiled as I walked pass.

I never bother to see their reactions, it didn't really concern me. "Sakura?" I called out as I turned into a room with a light on, "oh um sorry about that back there, she just gets on my nerves...." Sakura sighed as she flopped back onto her bed, I giggled at her childish actions. "She does seem to be a bit of a brat" I hummed as I sat down next to Sakura.

"Yeah! I mean come on who did she think she was insulting our heights and builds? It's not our fault we're tall and muscular!" I heard Sakura huff, I Sakura believe Sakura stood around 5'10 and a half, where I was 5'11. I chuckled at her comment, "tell me about it.." I sighed as I laid down next to her.

The room was encased with a odd silence, minutes later it was broken. "Hey Hinata, do you remember anything about the south? " she asked me, due to her lying down she could not see my confusion filled face nor could I see hers. "What do you mean by that? Are you referring to like the past? " I asked her with a curiosity filled tone, she hummed a yes. I took a deep breath, "I really don't remember much.... All I know is that, the south is our homeland and that Sasuke, you and I knew each other as kids. Truth be told, I believe I'm suffering from some sort of amnesia..... I can't seem to remember much about this world. " I finished with a heavy exhale.

Sakura jumped up and looked at me, she gave me a soft smile. "Ah that's okay! I'll help you regain your memories!" She beamed happily, I couldn't resist the tugging at the corner of my mouth, my lips curling into a smile. Sakura and I decided to talk about the south, her informing me about what it was like there- although she never did give away anything that related directly to me.

Strange, but I won't question her. It feels wrong to use my 'gift' on a friend- even though I have in the past. "Ah would ya' look at the time! 11:50, we better start heading out to the front of the residence" Sakura exclaimed as she glanced at a small gold pocket watch. "Where'd you get that from?" I smiled slyly knowing it was stolen.

She sweat-dropped and gave me a sly wink as she grabbed my hand and began dragging me through the halls. Eventually, we had reached the entrance. "Good gosh I thought you two were going to make me wait ages! I'm not getting any younger you know!" Sasuke faked in distress, we giggle at his antics.

"Well... go on in" he ushered us inside of his carriage, it was quite spacey and nice looking. "Off you go!" He yelled out to the man directing to the horses, we heard the sound of a whip and with that we were off.... For a while we sat in silence, simply enjoying the view of the night.

"Oh Sasuke! Do you have any idea of what prince Naruto looks like? You know just incase we were to spot him on our way here~" I piped up, Sasuke let out a small gasp. "Ah yes! Indeed I do have an idea of what he looks like, in fact the royals gave me a photo of him!" He smiled as he reached for his compartments and pulled out a photograph. "Be very delicate with that, photographs are very rare to have and they could cost a tremendous amount of money." He replied frantically, Sakura smacked him in the head and scolded him from speaking to me as if I were a mere adolescent.

I turned the photo over and saw a blond boy. He had cerulean blue eyes, weird birthmark like whiskers and a tan complexion... He was rather good looking! I honestly thought we were suppose to be retrieving a child- "Quite the looker isn't he?" Sakura giggled, I looked at her with a confused face. "From what I've heard he gets a lot of attention from the ladies in the south, they practically throw themselves onto him." She sighed, I nodded and laughed. "I do feel a small sense of pity towards him, the poor soul is a nervous wreck!" Sasuke laughed, our laughter soon joining his.

"You've met him?" I asked him, he gave me a nod. "Yeah my mom wanted me to meet him so she arranged something and we met. I tried to introduce myself but he kept stuttering and fumbling over his words to the point where he ran away from me in embarrassment" Sasuke finished with a cringed face. Sakura and I begin to break out into a hearty laugh. "That's..... some....... prince!" Sakura managed to make out as she laughed.

Soon the laughter died down and silence had fallen. I watched as Sasuke pulled out a bag of a familiar green. "Sasuke what's that? " I asked although I had a feeling it was, what I thought it was. "this is a plant, cannabis or weed" he spoke clearly. I felt my lips sprawling into a smirk. "You smoke it right?" I asked him, he nodded. "You may... but! It is also used for various medicines, it is quite commonly grown in the south" he finished.

"I mean it is a medical plant after all, it doesn't do harm when used correctly. Of course we have our fair share of people who abuse it unfortunately..." Sakura sighed, I nodded as I reminisced of earth. Smoking weed there was quite frowned upon despite that fact it was involved in a plethora of medications. I was shocked from my thoughts by the sudden movement of a hand in front of my face.

It was Sasuke's hand, he was handing me a blunt. I gave him a warm smile and took it, no hesitations. He pulled out two rocks and sparked a flame, lighting both of our meditation get aways. "Sakura?" I offered as I held mine out towards her, she shook her head. "I'm going to take a small slumber. Wake me up when we're almost near the south" she yawned as she set her head on a carriage.

I got up and gently put her head onto Sasuke's shoulder, he was about to protest but I shot him a glare. "You said I could ride at the back right ? " I said as I began walking towards the back exit, "Yup." Sasuke sighed as he stroked Sakura's hair. I smile at the action, they truly look like a cute couple.

I walked out back and took a seat on the hay bales as I exhaled a puff of smoke. 'The moon sure is shinning brightly today' I mumbled to myself. I gazed off to the left and saw a weird cloud like looking structure. I squinted my eyes and then took another puff of smoke. "I'm probably hallucinating" I sighed as I put out my blunt and laid back in hay.

'Maybe I'll take a nap as well....' I dozed off.


I was woken up by a impatient Sakura. "JEEZ HINATA! You sleep like a rock! We're here by the way, it took way-y-y-y longer than expected but that was because apparently we had to take some detour but that's besides the point!" She said energetically.

Well she sure got a good sleep, I groggily got up and hopped off the carriage. "Sasuke already went inside the Royal residence to take care of something, he said to meet him inside at 6:00 sharp!" She smiled at me, I gave her a tired one back. My nose suddenly scrunched up in cringe, "I smell like hay and sweat, we're going to have to change clothes and take a bath." I stated as I turned my nose up again in repulsion to my own scent. Sakura giggled and nodded.

"Come on Hinata! Let's freshen up and explore! After all...."

"We're are finally..."



😎 ~Gb

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