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{ "Naruto" }

Hinata's P.O.V



My head began pounding slightly...

Memory Fragment: Piece one

You know Sasuke and he knows you.


Memory fragment? I guess it's pieces of one memory, I knew him before eh and he knows me? Hmm, Maybe seeing him will trigger a memory. "Sasuke... sounds familiar" I chuckled, she smiled at me and kicked out a window. We hopped out and saw Gaara glaring at us.. "Whoopsies were we not allowed to do that?" I sheepishly laughed as I scratched the back of my neck. He looked at me with an annoyed look and grabbed our hands.

"Let's go." He huffed, Sakura and I mocked him from behind, making silly faces as we walked. I assume the "Castle" or royal residence was located near his office because we were walking and not on horses. We reached the residence and Gaara knocked on the gate.. "Gaara, I have two Ladies of the South." He spoke loudly, the gates opened.

"Come along" he said as he tugged on our wrist. Jeez we aren't five year olds.... We entered the residence and began walking towards a large room. We eventually got there and saw very fancy looking clothes people.  "Well then!" I spoke up cause eyes to snap at me. Gaara shoved my head down forcing me to bow. I pushed him off of me and walked up to the royals. I could hear Sakura's giggling behind me. 

"I'm Hinata" I said sticking my hand out at this duckbutt hairstyles dude, he was dressed in a similar fashion to mine but he was in something more formal. "I'm aware." He spoke, I suddenly heard laughter erupt from the right of me, there was a blonde man laughing along with a red headed woman next to him. I gave them an annoyed look and turned my attention  back to the man I assumed was Sasuke.

"So how exactly do you-" he cut me off before I finished my question. "Gaara, I will take them back to the south with me for they are my people" he spoke softly as he stared at Sakura. " I shall take my leave then prince, farewell." Gaara did a small bow and left us..... "Aw man! I was hoping to pester him more but um.....Well nice to meet you all!" I chuckled as I was met with cold harsh eyes.

I felt a cold stare at my sword, my eyes instantly snapped in the direction of where I felt the energy. It was the blonde man, he seemed to be caught off guard by my sudden movements and cleared his throat. "Minato, this is my wife Kushina." He said with a weary voice.

I watched them carefully "aren't you guys a little old to be called prince and princess?" I stated bluntly as the lady now know as Kushina shot me a glare. "I'll ignore that comment, now tell me, how well can you use that sword lady Hinata?" Minato asked as he eyed me with a suspicious look, I unsheathed it and pointed it at him. His guards moved to rush to his side but he waved them off, Sasuke stared at me with a........ smirk? He sure is strange.

"Damn well." I said plainly as I put it back in its casing. "Well what do you think Sasuke.... shall we take them instead of mindlessly searching?" Kushina sighed, 'What is she referring to' I mentally asked. The buzzer went off, 'Her son has been taken hostage by what she assumes to be the west and she was searching for a rescue team to bring him back safely'. Ah, that makes a lot of sense.

"You want us to help you with something?"  I asked her in an annoyed tone, "yes. I do but I will not tell you of what. Since my husband can see your skill level without even evaluating you in a battle I can only assume that you are strong.... Well that and you are a south woman. Are you willing to work with Sasuke, your pink haired friend and one other in order to help me find my son?" She asked softly, not showing any form of hostility.

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