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Strong arms suddenly wrap around her waist, preventing her from falling. Aiko opens her eyes as she had clenched them shut in the expectancy of a fall. 

"Are you ok?" Suna asked her. He was the one holding her. Aiko's eyes widened when she looked down at his muscular arms still wrapped around her. She was trying to hide the wince, despite him not holding her tightly, the pain still was evident in her abdomen.

"Y-yeah. Thanks, Suna." She choked out. Suna put her on the ground and made sure she was stable.
"You sure you're ok and-"
"Aiko! I saw ya fall, you ok?" Atsumu yelled, running over to the two.
"I'm fine Atsumu, Suna caught me. I need to leave now. Atsumu, tell Osamu that I will meet you two at the front of the school to walk home. I'm not walking out with you." Aiko then turned on her heel and once she wasn't facing anyone, she let her pain show on her face. 

'Well that's a reminder that "it" hasn't healed yet.'

"Aiko didn't seem right just then." Osamu said, walking over to his brother and friend. He had observed what happened from a few meters away. He saw her face, he saw that she was in pain.
"I didn't really notice but then again, I feel like I barely know her. And it sucks because she's our...sister...and yet she keeps us at a distance. I would have thought that after not seeing us for nearly three years she would want to make up for lost time. But the week she has been here, she's barely spoken to us or dad." Atsumu groaned.

Osamu felt the same. He missed his sister more than anything when she was gone. It had been really hard for him to keep the secret of his sister from the team since they were like family to him. He felt like he doesn't know his own sister. Before she left, she was always energetic, she enjoyed volleyball a lot, she still had anxiety and didn't like a lot of attention on her but she was willing to let people in. Now, she's like a whole new person. The only thing that is the same is the anxiety. Except it's worse. A whole lot worse than anybody knows, including herself. 

"Do you still want me to walk home with you guys or do you want to be alone with Aiko?" Suna asked, not wanting to be a bother in a family matter.
"'Tis fine Sunarin. I think for right now, we just have to leave her be."

The walk home was quiet. Aiko in between Osamu and Suna, with Atsumu on the other side of Suna. Her waist hurt a lot. She knew the bruises hadn't healed but she didn't expect it to hurt so much since they had been there for a while. Suna's house was 4 houses before there's, who said a quiet goodnight. The triplets went to their house. Their father wasn't home, he hadn't been home a lot lately. Aiko said her own goodnight and rushed up to her room. 

'I want to check those bruises but my bedroom door doesn't have a lock and Atsumu is using the bathroom. He will be in there for at least an hour. But then again, that leaves Osamu, he doesn't seem like the type to just burst into my room. Ugh, why do I think it like that? He's my brother, I should know what kind of person he is.'

Taking a deep breath, Aiko stood in front of her mirror and slowly lifted her shirt. The purple and green bruises scattered all of over her stomach as well as the large healing scar that stretched from one side of her waist to the other were reminders of that day. She shouldn't have been so careless at practice today, she didn't want to pop a stitch.
Her bedroom door suddenly opened and in walked Osamu, his eyes immediately falling on her exposed waist. 

"Osamu! Get out!"
He didn't listen and instead walked up to his sister and examined the injuries. His face was cold and his eyes were hard.
"Ai? What the fuck are these?" His cold voice frightened Aiko. She had never seen her brother like this. She tried to pull the shirt back down but Osamu held it where it was.
"T-there nothing. Get out now please."
"I asked you what the fuck these were? Aiko answer me!" The younger triplet demanded. The girl could feel the tears pooling in the corners of her eyes.
"I said it's nothing Osamu."
"Did someone hurt you? Was it someone back in Tokyo?"
" was an accident."

Osamu stared down at her, his eyes twitching. How do you accidently get a bunch of bruises and a large scar on your waist? His sister was shaking in his arms and decided not to push her any further right now. But he expected answers soon. He wrapped his arms around Aiko and pulled her close.

"Please don't tell Atsumu." She whispered into her brothers chest.

For the rest of the week, you could tell it was clearly awkward between Aiko and Osamu. She continued to sit with the volleyball team at lunchtimes but didn't talk. Atsumu questioned Osamu many times but Osamu didn't give him a straight answer, just saying that him and Aiko had a disagreement. Aiko didn't come to practice again. Suna had wanted to get to know the girl more but she brushed him off every time. 

On the Friday morning, Aiko went straight to her locker, getting out her materials for the days. But there was something else. A piece of paper. 

'Stay away from the Miya Twins, and Suna and everyone on the volleyball team. You're a slut for thinking you had a chance with them. If you don't keep away from them, the whole school will know your secret.'

It was anonymous and it made the girl's palms clammy. Her eyes widened. There is no way anybody could know, right? Aiko was freaking out, she didn't want a repeat of what happened in middle school. When she arrived to homeroom she walked to the other side of the room to where she normally sat. She didn't sit with Suna like she had been all week. Instead, she sat alone in the back row. She felt them look at her but put her head down and ignored their confused stares. 

When the bell rang for lunch, Aiko rushed out of the room and ran to the library to avoid having to sit with her brothers and everyone else.

"What the hell is up with her? First she won't sit with us in class and now she's run off at lunch." Atsumu complained, confused by his sister's behaviour.
"Maybe she feels anxious, she might now like it when everyone in our table is asking her questions." Suna piped up. Osamu and Atsumu looked at him strangely. It made sense. They just didn't think Suna would voice his opinion.
"I guess, well let's go. Agaki-san is probably gonna cry since Aiko's not sittin' with us." Astumu said.
"Yeah, I think he's in love with her." Osamu joked.
Suna followed behind them to the cafeteria.

'Is Agaki-san really in love with her? I mean they're probably joking anyway. Why am I even thinking about this? It has nothing to do with me. Ugh, I want to know what's bothering Aiko, she has seemed really out of it this week and today she looked stressed and somewhat afraid.'

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