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The rest of lunch passed pretty quickly. Her brothers' teammates were eager to know more about her but she only gave short vague responses. When the bell rang, Aiko got up and was about to walk back to her classroom when Aran gently grabbed her arm.

"Can we talk?" He asked. Aiko nodded, they had 5 minutes before they had to be back in class anyway. She signalled to Suna to tell him she was going to stay behind and he nodded with his usual deadpan expression.

"So what's up?" The girl asked.
"I guess you weren't lying when you said you didn't want people to know you were related to them." Aran replied, looking down at the much shorter girl. Aiko sighed. She had told Aran the most about the reasons for her actions and he was always there for her to talk to when she moved away. He was the first person she spoke to when her mother passed away. Not her brothers, not her father. 

"Yeah, you know why. But since my brothers spoke to me in class and made me sit with you guys, I know I'm going to be bombarded by their fans. They just don't understand. They always liked the spotlight, even Osamu, just not as much as Atsumu obviously. And I-, just I heard what people said about me in homeroom. It feels like history is going to repeat itself and it makes it hard to breathe. That's why I always put my head down and try to sleep, so I don't get overwhelmed. I...I don't know what to do. It's been harder to control these chest tightening feelings ever since Mum died." Aiko felt her throat become tight and tears threaten to spill. Aran pulled her into a tight hug and rubbed her back. 

"I know. I know Aiko. But focus on the positives, you're back with your brothers. With your father. You haven't been with them in a long time. I know your scared that 'that' will happen again but not only will I, but Atsumu and Osamu will make sure you're safe."

Aiko hesitantly pulled back from the hug and gave the older and small smile. 
"Thank you Aran. See you later?"
"Yep. Why don't you come to practice this afternoon, you can practice receiving my serves like when we were younger. It can take your mind off things." The third year offered.
"Yeah, I think I will. See you this afternoon Aran." The two waved at each other before they walked off to their classrooms. Both making it barely on time.

Kita, who had realised he left his jacket at the lunch table headed back to the cafeteria. However, he stayed hidden behind the door when he saw his teammate and underclassmen friend standing very close. Kita had figured during lunch that they previously knew each other due to their calling of each other's first names and hug. The third year didn't mean to eavesdrop but he found himself hearing bits and pieces of their conversation that interested him.

"...you know why. But since my brothers spoke to me in class and made me sit with you guys......they just don't understand...even Osamu, just not as much as Atsumu obviously...history is going to repeat itself...harder to control these....feelings ever since Mum died." After that Kita knew that what he was hearing was obviously personal and he walked away, planning to get his jacket later.
But as he walked to his classroom he thought about what Aiko said. She mentioned her brothers, and that they invited her to sit with them at lunch. To Kita, it seemed his suspicions were right. Miya Aiko was most definitely related to the twins. But he first assumed cousins or something. But after hearing her mentioning them to be her brothers, his mind wondered all the possibilities. Was she younger and skipped a year? Was she older and kept down? Maybe they are not siblings but are just really close so she calls them her brothers? Kita knew he shouldn't be thinking about this, it had nothing to do with him. But he was so interested to find more about this new girl. 

"Where were you?" Both Atsumu and Osamu asked at the same time, kinda creeping her out. She definitely couldn't feel the jealous stares of the girls in the class on her. 

Aiko looked at Suna whose head was down on the desk.
"I told Suna I was staying behind to talk to Aran. Did he not tell you?" She asked as she sat down next to the brunette.
"Nope." The girl rolled her eyes and rested her cheek on her left arm which was propped on the desk.
"Well you don't have to worry about it. Aran was just catching up with me. Even though we kept in contact I haven't seen him in person since middle school."
"I still can't believe Ojiro-san lets you call him by his first name. Not even Kita-san calls him that." Atsumu exclaimed.
"He's a close friend."

'It seems like all her close friends are guys. Ugh why am I even thinking about this? I really want some jelly sticks. And why is Miya Aiko so cute. And oh shit. Shut up brain. Shut up. Fuck. I'm screwed. Also, jelly sticks really sound good right now. But Aiko also sounds good right now. OMFG. Atsumu and Osamu will kill me. My god it's been an eventful day. Find out my twin best friends aren't actually twins. They're triplets and have a super hot triplet that's a girl. I really need some memes.'  Suna sighed. He just wanted to sleep but his mind kept falling back on Miya number 3. 

"Also, I'm going back to Tokyo this weekend." Aiko announced suddenly.
"What? You literally came back to Hyogo like a week ago. Why are you going back so soon?" Atsumu question. The girl shrugged.
"I'm meeting up with some friends and might even go and visit Mum's grave." She replied casually.
Both the twins eyes opened wide and Suna sat up abruptly.
"Shh Aiko!" Osamu hissed.
Aiko realised both her brothers were nervously staring at Suna, who was staring back with an annoyed expression.
"What?" Suna said coldly. Aiko was even bothered by it.
"W-we were gonna tell the team soon we promise." Atsumu stuttered.

"But what about me? Your best friend? When where you planning on telling me that your mother died?" It clicked in Aiko's head that he must have been upset that his best friends didn't tell him about this. Aiko knew why they didn't tell him. She knew her brothers despised their mother. They hated her for cheating and breaking up the family. They hate her for forcing their triplet to leave with her. They hate her for not allowing them to have contact with Aiko. 

"We didn't think it was a big deal. It's not like she was even important to us." Osamu muttered. Aiko understood their feelings towards their mother. But she still didn't like them talking illy about her. Yeah, she wasn't the best mother but she's dead now. Nothing she did in her life was enough to be killed. 

"Shut up all of you. Suna, I don't know you but you would have never even met our mother so I don't see why you're upset. And you two, she's dead now, I know you two hate her but she's not even here anymore so what's the point in talking about her that way. And I can do what I want. And go where I want. So please keep quiet I'm trying to sleep." And with that, she laid down on her desk and closed her eyes. All three boys looked at her with side eyes. Suna realised she was right, he had no right to be mad at the boys. It's obviously not a topic they like talking about. Osamu and Atsumu felt bad too. But they felt extremely overprotective of Aiko. They just got her back. 

The Third Miya  || Suna Rintarou x Female OCUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum