New Developments

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Monday morning and Aiko wanted to be anywhere but school. She still felt like shit, her chest hurt and the seawater didn't do her wound much good. But, last night, she did a lot of thinking, she didn't want to be apart from her brothers anymore. She thought being alone would be best, but it just made her feel dejected and well, alone. And she didn't like that feeling, not anymore. 

This morning, she woke up early, and made her brother's breakfast and ate with them. She barely got to say good morning to her father before he left for work but she enjoyed spending that time with Atsumu and Osamu. Her brothers were very surprised by her actions but at the same time, overjoyed. When Suna came, she asked how he was and if he would like any of the leftover onigiri's she made. Suna made her feel a bit weird, after he spoke to her, she felt somewhat flustered, but why? 


"Oh hey Suna," Aiko greeted him at the door and gestured for him to come in as they still had some time to spare.
"Hey?" the middle blocker was confused, as she had been mostly ignoring him recently, but he couldn't deny that he was secretly very happy.

"Where are your brothers?" he asked, looking around the kitchen.
"Atsumu's still showerin' and Osamu lost his tie, so he's lookin' for it," she replied, cleaning up the mess from breakfast.

Suna looked at her strangely, "What? Is there somethin' on my face?"
"No, just, seems like you kind of have your accent back," he said.
"Oh, I hadn't even noticed. Probably from being back here and everything. Also, nearly everyone else has the Kansai dialect accent, but you don't, why is that?"
"My parents are from Tokyo, I guess I just speak like them because that's how I was raised. My little sister on the other hand tries really hard to speak in the dialect, she sounds like gibberish half the time," Suna replied, a small smile on his face.

Aiko looked at him and held out an onigiri, "Here, I made some for school, these are leftovers. Also, you have a sister? She must be adorable having you as her brother," her eyes widened when she realised what she said.

Suna smirked at her and took the onigiri, "Really? Does that mean you think I'm cute?"
"I-uh...I didn't say that. Shut up, eat the onigiri and tell me if you like it. And wipe that stupid smirk off your face!" she sassed, looking away from his face. 
"No need to get all worked up."

He took a bite and another and another and very quickly it was finished, "My god Aiko, this is so good."
"Yeah," he leant down until his mouth was by her ear, "It's even better than Osamu's but shh, don't tell him I said that," he whispered.

Aiko couldn't even get a response out, her heart was racing and she was fearful her face had gone red. Why was she feeling like this? Suna's just a friend. She couldn't deny, she did think he was incredibly attractive, she had since she first met him, but never acted on it because she just wanted to get through school.


"Psst! Aiko!" Atsumu whispered very loudly.
"Yes Atsumu?"
"Wow, no 'don't talk to me in public'? Nice, looks like ya don't hate us anymore," Atsumu said.

Osamu snickered and Suna just continued drawing random things in the corner of his page.

"I never hated you two, just...I'll explain later, but what did you want?" Aiko asked.
"Oh, well now that yer suddenly bein' super nice, we were wonderin' if you want to sit with us at lunch again?"
"Sure," she replied with a small smile, completely unaware of the many ears in the classroom listening in, planning in giving this info to a certain Shina Rika in Class 1 (dumbass).




I know it's not much, but hey, at least there is now something between Aiko and Suna.

The Third Miya  || Suna Rintarou x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now