Back In Tokyo Already?

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Many of the other team members were glad to have Aiko sitting with them again, especially Agaki.

"Aiko! I was so sad when you weren't here! I had no one else to talk to about libero stuff! Also, are you gonna join the girl's team? You totally should, but if you don't, you could become our manager! That would be great since you know how to play and-"
"Agaki, I think you're overwhelming her," Kita interrupted.
"No, it's fine, really Kita-san."

Atsumu gasped dramatically, "Oh my god! That's a great idea, Aiko, you should totally be our manager."
"Don't we already have one?" Aran asked.
"Yeah, but she doesn't know much about the rules, and I'm pretty sure she just drools over everyone the whole time," Suna replied.
"I didn't see any other girl when I came that time," Aiko said.
"She couldn't come that day."
"It would be great if you did join," Osamu said.
"I don't know, I don't think it's a good idea," Aiko mumbled, picking at her food.
"Why?" Agaki asked, looking disappointed.
"Umm...I mean, I...uh, fine. But if you are annoying, I'm leaving."
"Yay!" Agaki cheered. (A/N: Agaki I love you, but this isn't your fanfic)



Aiko sat on the bleacher, bored. She was wondering where the other manager was, maybe she'd have someone to talk with. Suna walked past, and Aiko immediately looked away, not wanting to make eye contact. Why was she suddenly so nervous around him?

"You look lonely," he mumbled.
"Uh yeah, I thought the other manager would be here," she replied, not looking at him, just down at the clipboard she had been given.
"She's usually late but-"
"I'm here!" a voice suddenly yelled, why was that whiny voice familiar?

Aiko looked up, noticing Suna's grimace first before her eyes widened when she saw who the other manager was. Shina Rika. The short girl made eye contact with her and she felt uncomfortable by the stare Shina was giving her. 

"Shina-san, please be on time, especially since we are discussing the training camp today," Coach Kurosu reminded.
A wide smile spread across her face and it made Aiko feel sick, "Of course sir!"
"Training camp?" Aiko whispered to Suna.
"Yeah, it's in a few weeks, in Tokyo. Since you're now a manager, you get to come."

That meant she would be going with Shina. Would she really quit just because of some random girl? She was definitely thinking about it. But, maybe, going on a training camp in Tokyo wouldn't be that bad. She had done plenty before with the girl's teams from Fukurodani and Nekoma, because of that, she knew a couple of the members from the boy's teams. She hadn't seen any of them in while, so it may be nice. And hopefully, Itaichiyama was going too she could talk to Komori and Sakusa.

The Third Miya  || Suna Rintarou x Female OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora