You...know each other?

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Aiko took the window seat, Suna suggested it, saying his long legs would get cramped in the smaller space. The moment she sat down, her eyes were begging to be shut, she was so tired. Her brother had already passed out, two rows in front of them. Aran and Kita were up the front, the latter explaining the differences between a range of flowers.

(A/N: I headcanon that Kita loves to garden and care for flowers. Flowers is one thing he can just ramble on about and Aran listens)

Shina sat crossed arms and pouting next to Gin, every so often, sending a glare Aiko's way. Omimi sat with Agaki near the back, the libero showing the taller something on his phone. And the first years and benchwarmers sat wherever because they're irrelevant.

Suna looked down at Aiko who appeared to be struggling to stay awake.
"Take a nap, knowing what happened last time, we played one match when we got there before having dinner and going to bed. So get some rest."
Aiko smiled, "You should too, you're the one actually playing."
"Is somebody worried about me?" he teased.
"Maybe I am. But you started it sooo...go to sleep."
"You first."
"No, you, you didn't sleep last night, didn't you? Sleep now."
"So demanding," he chuckled.

Aiko looked away and pulled the collar of her hoodie up to her chin, it was really cold on the bus too. Suna pulled out his AirPods case and offered one to Aiko,

"Really? Aren't you afraid I'll judge your music taste?"
"I don't know, something tells me we have similar tastes." 



"Suna-san, wake up or I'll put Atsumu's dirty socks on your face," Aiko whispered, poking Suna's sleeping face.

Suna woke up with a stir, disorientated before he realised.
"This situation feels somewhat similar," he mumbled.
"Hmm, I suppose it is, this is basically how we first met, when you passed out like a baby when you found out I'm their," she leaned closer making Suna's heart race, "triplet," she whispered. 

Suna looked away, blushing from her sudden close contact, "Uh yeah, just definitely don't like the idea of Atsumu's socks being anywhere near me."
"Oh yeah same, Dad is always working so we have to do our own laundry. Both me and Osamu refuse to do his and well, he doesn't know how to use the washing machine."
"Wait, you mean...none of Atsumu's clothes are clean?" Suna asked wide-eyed.
"I mean...some of them must be, right? I mean, I haven't yet passed out when I stand next to him. Or maybe Osamu gave in and just did his laundry."
"Yeah, let's hope so."

Everyone was tired and stiff as they climbed off the bus. Well, besides Atsumu, he wanted to just jump right into practice. The team couldn't go inside until all the bags were unpacked from the bus, technically the managers could go in and help with the setup inside, Shina was more than eager. She mumbled about all the 'hot guys on the other teams' on her way. But Aiko opted to stay, she could always talk to Sakusa and Komori later. 

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Do you guys need any help?!" A loud yet familiar voice called out. The team turned to see the Fukurodani and Nekoma captains.
"Oh it's Bokkun! Hey, wanna play a match now?!" Atsumu asked.
"Sure let's-wait, is that Aiko-chan! Look Kuroo it's Aiko-chan!" Bokuto yelled, pointing at her.

Aiko turned away to face Suna and mouthing 'cover me'. He just looked down at her in confusion.

"Aiko, why are you hiding? Not happy to see us?" Kuroo teased, walking up to them.

Aiko bit back her snarky reply and turned around, forcing a smile.
"Hello Kuroo-san, so nice to see you again, it's been a while." He leaned in for a hug but she put her hands up in a gesture to stop.

"So, you...know each other?" Suna asked.
"Yeah, even though she was on the girls volleyball team at Itaichiyama, she was the manager on the boys team, see we've met a bunch of times!" Bokuto explained, appearing before them out of nowhere.
"How did you do both?" Suna asked, trying to ignore the burning feeling of jealousy coursing through him. They looked to be really comfortable with her,
"Um, the girls and boys teams had an opposite schedule," Aiko mumbled. 
"Wow, you must have been so busy-"
"Aiko, why don't we go inside, and get you unpacked? Also, Nekoma vs Inarizaki will be the first practice match, so hope you're watching me," Kuroo interrupted Suna and winked at Aiko.
"I was talking with Suna and then I was going to see Sak-"
"Sakusa and Komori right? I'm sure you can talk to them later, come on!" Bokuto grabbed her arm and pulled her away with Kuroo.

"Don't bother." He looked down to see Nekoma's setter standing a few feet away, looking down at his Gameboy.
"You obviously don't know. Kuro has a crush on her, he has since he first met her at a training camp at the start of her first year," Kenma mumbled, not looking up.


The Third Miya  || Suna Rintarou x Female OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant