Chapter 14: Peyton

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It was twelve at night when Patrick and I decided to turn into bed after watching Iron Man. I had this slight discomfort in my stomach but I thought nothing of it because pregnancy came with a lot of pain, a lot.

As I laid there in bed, Patrick sound a sleep next to me in our king sized bed, I tossed and turned underneath the sheets. No matter which way I turned I couldn't get comfortable at all.

"Babe are you okay" Patrick mumbled after the fifth time of me turning. "Just restless that's all, I'm going to go get warm milk" I say to him. I lift myself off the bed and head downstairs but halfway down the staircase there was another sharp pain that caused me to wince. It left me winded, sitting on the stair to catch my breath. Finally I was able to pull myself off the stair and down into the kitchen where I turned on the lights to look for something to drink. As I am pulling out the gallon of milk form the fridge door another sharp pain came upon me causing me to drop the gallon.

It wasn't the milk all over our kitchen floor that was now terribly concerning me, but the water running down my leg.

"Patrick" I say with a time of nervousness in my voice. "Patrick!" I call again, this time more frantically.

"What?what?" He mumbles with a groggy voice as he runs down the stairs. He stumbles into the kitchen with his eyes squinted trying to adjust to the light.

"It's time"

"What do you mean?" He says this time with his eyes opening wide.

"Patrick it's time, the baby. It's coming now."

"Oh my god" he began to breath heavily and frantically

"Patrick I'm the one whose suppose to be doing breathing exercises come on!" I rolled my eyes at him. "Go get the keys and some clothes, I'll grab my hospital bag"

Once we grabbed everything we met at the front door before Patrick walked me down to the parking garage, calling Jonathan on the way. Once we got to the car Patrick buckled me into the passenger seat before getting into the car himself. He sped so fast to the hospital, his right leg shaking restlessly. As soon as we arrived Patrick waisted no time and scooped me up out of the passenger seat and into his arms where he ran me into the hospital.

"Your gonna give me a heart attach!" I yell as he runs me to the from desk.
"She's going into labor" Patrick whales franticly. I roll my eyes at him and calmly explain the situation to the nurse who quickly gets a wheelchair and sends me off to my room.

"Patrick did you call my doctor?" I ask
"I was suppose to do that?"
"Oh my god Patrick!" I yell at him before taking his phone out of his pant pocket and calling the doctor. He showed up quickly and told me that I would be in labor for another hour or so aka another hour of sharp pains in my stomach. As I laid there in the hospital bed, patrick next to me lost in his phone, Gab showed up with Corey and Jack shortly after.

"Auntie!" Corey called as he ran over to the side of the bed to kiss my cheek.
"What did they say?" Asks Gab as she checks out all the wires connected to me.
"Another hour" I moan "I think this baby is taking after you" I joke with Patrick.
"I am in no way a pain!" He snaps back.

An hour passed and the pain intensified to the point that I was positive I was going to pop Patrick's hand sooner or later."Babe breath" He begged of me, I could feel my face heating up myself, I probably looked as red as a tomato. "I want this baby out!" I scream as I squeeze Patrick's hand tighter once more.

"A couple more pushes" The nurse assures me, but that is what she had said to me ten minutes ago. My doctor however stayed quiet and focused as I screamed. "Push! Push!" The nurse encouraged. Just than the world had seemed to be put on pause. The room went quiet as I gave one last final push, than looking up at Patrick who was staring at the nurse and doctor the tinniest little cry filled the room. The tiny cry of our baby boy, the baby boy that Patrick and I had created and brought into this world. The little boy that we would raise together.

I looked over at Patrick and bit down on my bottom lip as we shared a glance at each other while the little boy screamed as the nurse cleaned him up and checked him out. Within seconds the nurse was at my side with my little boy wrapped in a blue blanket. "Would you like to hold him?" she asks in a hushed tone. I nod for I was at a loss for words. The baby was placed in my arms, I could already see Pat's lips and blonde hair which was fuz at the moment. He had the tiniest hands a nose and his eyes were shut as he relaxed in my arms. Patrick layed his hand on my shoulder as he looked down at his son. "Isn't he beautiful?" I manage to say "Oh god Lyss, look what we made" He began to cry

"Do we have a name?" the nurse questioned. Before I could aswer Patrick scooped the little baby boy from my arms and swaddled him close to his chest. " Peyton" Patrick whispers "Peyton Donald Kane" Donald, Patrick's late grandfather, this was his way of honoring him so many years later. "I love it" I whisper to Patrick.

Before the nurse takes the baby, Jack, Gab and Corey come in to meet there nephew and cousin. "He's my cousin?" Corey asks as his feet dangle from the side of my hospital bed as he looks over at Gab and Jack who are admiring the baby. "Mhm my love" I smile at Corey "Will you still love me?" he asks. I pull him in closer and wrap my arms around him. "Of course I will Corey, you're my little man"
"But how can you love me and him at the same time?" was his reply
"Oh sweetie, its like how mommy loves you and dad. You can never run out of love for people. I love you, your mommy, daddy and even Patrick and now I can love little Peyton to, just like you can"
"I can love him to?"
"Oh of course! You're his big cousin now!" I give Corey a tight hug before I ask Jack to let Corey hold baby Peyton. "I love you" was all he kept whispering.

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