Chapter 12: Baby Blue

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Patrick's POV

"Damn you guys were so busy on that honey moon you already knocked her up?" Jonny teases as we get ready for an off ice workout

"No dumb ass, before the wedding.. Like around our anniversary"

"Get it kaner" he whistles

"Shut up" I laugh before hitting him with my gym towel.

I hadn't herd the end of it from the guys. All of them where baffled when the heard the news of me being a father. To be honest, it was making me incredibly nervous. I wanted to be the best dad I could possibly be for my child. The suggestion of a house wasn't sitting to well with Alyssa, she believed that our penthouse was big enough but I knew it was only a matter of time until the idea grew on her.

As for me what I wasn't good enough? What if I could only be a good provider and not a father? What if Alyssa started to hate me because I couldn't pull my weight with the baby?

Alyssa's POV ( 5 months later)

Being 8 months pregnant is the hardest thing ever. My stomach isn't huge but it isn't exactly small either. I can barley get into my old t-shirts never mind walk around the house without bumping into something, I can't tell you about the countless counter bruises on my hips. But this after noon Patrick had a game and I wouldn't miss it for the world so here I was wearing his jersey and some yoga pants. Slippers seemed to be the only thing on my feet for the past two months. I however did make an attempt with my hair and makeup.

Life around the house for the past week hasn't been that bad for me because Patrick's three sisters have been here. They were all ready in Patrick Kane jerseys, while their's read 'Kane' on the back, mine read 'Mrs Kane'. It was a present from Patrick that I found incredibly cute.

"Are you guys ready?" I question his sisters who where all sitting on the black leather couch.

"If you are!" Responded Jackie.

"Let me just get the keys and we can go"

"Actually I'm gonna drive Patrick's
hummer" Jessica says

"Did he say that was okay?"

"Yea" she dangles the key in front of me.

We head down to the parking garage and the girls are nice enough to give my shot gun. For most of the ride Taylor Swift blasted through Patrick's surround sound. I began to get a little suspicious when Jessica misses the turn for the UC and heads a completely different way.

"No Jess I'm sure you missed the turn"

"No! I'm taking a different way" she smirks. Another 15 minutes of driving and we still aren't at the United Center. We eventually pull up to this really beautiful venue with this huge granite fountain outside.

"This is not the United center" I say concerned

"Don't you worry" Smirks Erika as she opens the door. I follow the girls, Jessica pushing me along. We walk the venue until we come to the last room but I still didn't have a single idea on what was going on.

"Open" Jackie laughs lightly

I wrap my hand around the door handle and let it linger there for a second before yanking the door open.
"Surprise!" Rang out from every direction causing me to jump back a little. It was than that I had realized this was my baby shower.
"Surprise!" laughed Erika, Jackie and Jessica
"You guys are to much!" I laugh before putting my hand over my mouth in awe.

Each table had this big baby bottle on the center with blue balloons tied to them. The table I assumed was mine had this diaper cake, all these diapers where folded to make a cute little baby boy. Yes boy, Patrick and I where having a little boy.

Everything was covered in baby blue but as I was taking in the decorations and people I looked down to realize I was underdressed for the occasion. Erika read my facial expression and whispered in my ear that a change of clothes where in the trunk of Patrick's car. I said hello to everyone there including my sister and Patrick's mother. The girls pulled me out to the car where a box of clothes waited. The girls had picked this white silk maxi dress that had a band of rhinestones right under the breast and the cut was low only showing minimum cleavage.

"We brought you heals and sandals"

"I can tackle the heels" I smirk. I grab the clothes and girls grab their dresses and we head to the bathroom to change.

"Does Patrick know?" I question as adjust the dress in the bathroom mirror. "of course" Jackie laughs as she zips up the back of the dress for me.
"I can't believe I'm missing his game"
"Believe me it's okay love!" Erika assures me.

The whole day was filled with baby jokes, family and opening presents for the new baby boy Pat and I where bringing into the world. It wasn't to long ago the Pat had shared his greatest fear with me at two in the morning. He told me he didn't believe that he could be good enough to raise a child. He told me that he had to many mistakes in his life to be able to raise a child but he was so wrong. He was going to be the most amazing father the world had ever seen. In my eyes there was no better father than Patrick, and I knew somewhere deep down in his heart he knew two

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