Chapter 18: Smeared

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I pulled the blue table cloth over the extra table Patrick had set up in the living room. When I finished evening it out Patrick swooped out of the kitchen with bowls of snacks in his hand.

"Lord help me if you spill that!"

"Lyss I won't" he rolled his eyes at me. He than set down each bowl before tackling me onto the sofa. His lips trailed my neck with kisses.

"Pat people will be over soon" I said annoyed as i attempted to push his muscular body off of me.

"Can you believe he's one?" He questioned as he relaxed his entire body on mine. I managed to get my arms frees and wrap them around him, my one hand curling his hair around my finger.

"It seems like just yesterday we were heading to the hospital" I joked. As Patrick and I laid there in piece, Shadow, our pit bull, joined us. With a few wet kisses on the cheek he settled at the foot of the couch. I soaked in the few minutes I had to relax with Patrick until a cry erupted from upstairs.

"I'll go get him ready" I mumble to Patrick as I push him off of me.

"I'll finish setting things up"

I headed up to Peyton's room where he was standing in his crib. His blonde curly hair a mere mess on the top of his head. His blue eyes seemed dull, they were always like that when he woke up. Patrick teased me all the time because Peyton had took more looks from him than I. He had only had my face structure, everything else was Patrick.

"Mama" Peyton called out when he saw me appear in the door way.

"Party?" He questioned

"Yes party!" I giggled. I picked him up out of the crib and kissed his forehead before laying him down on the changing table to put on his jeans and a T-shirt that read "I'm one today!". I combed his hair back and out of his face, lord knew how long it would be till patrick would let me take him for a haircut. Once I got him all ready and cleaned I brought him downstairs and placed on the rug next to Shadow. Shadow had joined us in October, he was a rescue that Bicks and Amanda had showed to us. He fit in perfectly with the family and Peyton took a liking to him. They always cuddle together on the couch. Peyton tugs on his ears and tail but Shadow could care less.

It wasn't long until their was a knock at the door, the first to arrive for Peyton's first birthday party was Shaw and Chaunette, who sported a new piece of jewelry on her left ring finger. Before even getting a word out I grabbed her hand and brought it close to examine the piece of jewelry.

"When!?" Was the only word I managed to blurt out.

"Two nights ago, we're telling the team today" Shaw smiled as he looked at Chaunette.

"Stealing my sons night?" Patrick called from the kitchen.

"No never!" Chaunette squealed as she spotted Peyton playing with Shadow. She quickly made her way over to him, setting his present down on the floor she took him into her arms and kissed his cheek.

"You've got a keeper" I whispered to Andrew.

"I know" he smiled back.

For most of the night if people weren't crowded around Peyton they were questioning how in the world Shaw landed Chaunette. Everyone had spent the night talking amongst each other, Peyton didn't want much to do with the party. He and Corey stayed in the game room with Erika and few of Patrick's younger cousins. Corey and Peyton had really become in separable, Gab and I couldn't be happier about that. Natalie and her new boyfriend had stopped by to drop of a few presents for Peyton before heading back out for a road trip to California they had planned.

It was around eight when we decided to cut the cake. Everyone gathered around the kitchen counter where a large blue cake was waiting. On top in blue icing was written 'happy first birthday Peyton!'. Peyton sat in front of the cake in awe as Patrick and I stood behind him singing happy birthday along with the group. We helped Peyton blow out his candles but before we could cut the first slice Peyton came up with his own idea. When I had turned to Gab for the cake cutter Peyton stuck his hand into the side of the cake, grabbing a huge piece he smashed it all over his face, barley getting a piece into his mouth. His chin, nose, and cheeks were covered in blue icing. It got a chuckle out of the whole group. Patrick being the child he was took a piece of icing and wiped it on my nose.

"You're dead!" I laughed, taking a piece of icing and smearing it across Pat's face. Peyton laughed at his dad who stood there in shock.

"Are we gonna get to eat the cake?" Sharp yelled, stopping me from smashing a piece of cake onto Patrick's face.

My Shining Star (Sequel to A Little Drunk On Love)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin