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"That crazy girl. Thinking she can just backstab us like that." I throw the tv remote across the room in frustration.
"Nathan stop you're scaring Allie." I look at Isabelle to see she has her arm placed around Allie's shoulder.
The sight just makes me more aggravated.
"Oh, come on. Just give up the act would you."
She looks at me surprised. "I don't know what you mean."
"You two acting like you're best friends suddenly."
"What is wrong with you, Nathan?" She looks at me concerned.
"Oh, so now you're concerned with my mental state. It's about time."
Allie chimes in, "Would you two just shut up!"
I stab a finger at her. "You shut up," her eyes start to well up with tears, "This is all your fault."
A look of shock overcomes Isabelle's face. She jumps up from the bed and looks at Allie defensively. "This is your fault?"
Allie holds up her hand reaching for Isabelle's arm but she moves it away quickly. "I tried to stop it from happening."
"Stop what from happening?" Allie just sits there silently.
"Allie, what did you try to stop from happening!" Isabelle pleads.
"It was all my fault." Allie mumbles quietly under her breath.
Isabelle grabs Allie's shoulders and shakes her. "What did you do Allie!"
"They came because of me."
"Who came because of you?"
Allie just sits there silently staring at the floor.
Finally, I get tired of the silence and the continuous begging from Isabelle.
"On our last trip to restock the cabinets Allie met some strangers. They told her they were with the child services and Allie panicked."
Isabelle's eyes widened. She turned her head away from me and faces Allie. "What did you tell them?"
"I didn't know."
"Allie please tell me what happened."
"I didn't know." She keeps mumbling under her breath the same sentence over and over.
"Allie!" Isabelle's voice is full of fear.
"She's not going to tell you anything."
Allie looks up from the bed and I whip around to see Peter standing in the doorway.
"Peter," I say in shock.
"That's my name isn't it." He steps forward a little bit and I can see Allie tense up a bit in my peripheral vision.
"What's wrong Allie?" I ask in my mind.
"There's something wrong with his eyes," she nods her head towards Peter, "Look."
I look towards Peter and see nothing. "I don't see anything."
"His eyes there's something swirling in the iris."
That's when I see it. There's the faintest color of white moving around in his iris.
"It's beautiful isn't it." Someone else's voice flies into my head. Then I realize it's Peter's voice.
I look at him curiously. "How did you do that?"
"How did he do what?" Isabelle's voice cut through my head.
I turn towards Allie. "Did you know he could read minds?"
She shakes her head fiercely.
"Peter can read minds?" Isabelle asks. "I thought only you could do that." She turns towards Allie.
"Yeah it's amazing really." We turn back around to face Peter.
"You could read minds all this time?"
"You sound so amazed. Don't worry so was I when I found out but I knew if I told Alessandra she would freak out and immediately exile me." He steps a little closer and I back away a few steps.
"She wouldn't have exiled you." I say calmly even though my stomach was in knots.
"You know just as well as I do that she loves her Allie even though Allie has anger issues and if she found out that I had the same power she would kick me out because no one can be more important or equal to Allie." His voice is filled with hate. The white in his eyes become a lot clearer.
"You know Alessandra isn't like that."
"Oh, only if you knew the things she thinks about behind your back," he sighs sadly.
I step forward until I'm directly in his face. I can see the white in his eyes swirling in them and he smells like aftershave. He must have shaved before he came here.
"What did she say about me?" I ask, hearing the hint of anger in my voice.
"Just that you anger her very much," he exclaims. I hear the amusement in his voice and I shove him hard against the wall. He looks up at me surprised but quickly recovers with a scowl on his face.
"You'll regret that."
"Yeah I bet I will." I don't worry about him because he's never been the strongest one in the family.
He lunges at me with a look of revenge on his face. I prepare to shove him to the side but at the last minute he swerves to the right and grabs my leg. I lose my balance and slam into the floor. I feel a throbbing pain in my head. There's a small bump on the back of my head when I reach back to check.
I glance up at him to see him smiling. "How did you do that?"
"You've always had a weak spot in the leg," he grins, "I just had to find it."
He jerks his head towards the opened window. Then I hear it. The sound of a car door shutting.

Alessandra Faye Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang