Infantino Street

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"We're screwed." HR said. Kara look at him in worry and held on to her stomach. HR then remembered something. He grabbed a pen out of his pocket.

"What's the pen for?" Kara asked.

"It's not a pen." Hr replied. He held the pen to his face and suddenly was wearing Kara's face and body. Kara looked at him incredulously before her body changed into his. She looked down at her hands and body. Suddenly Frost turned the corner.

"Well, well, we'll, what do we have here?" Killer Frost's chilling voice asked. "Savitar wont be happy to see this."

"Caitlin please-" 'Kara' started.

"The name is Killer Frost." She snarled.

"Right, Killer Frost, just let us go." 'HR' pleaded.

"You." She pointed to HR, "Can go, but blondie stays." Frost stated.

"Go." Kara said.

"What no I'm not leaving you." HR argued.

Frost rolled her eyes. "Make a decision, Savitar is coming, and I can assure you neither of you will make it out alive." Frost said impatiently.

"Go." Kara whispered softly, tears in her eyes. "I'll be ok. Make sure to pick coffee up for everyone." She said. HR shook his head and ran off. He ended up at CCJitters shaking with fear.


Dawn looked at her hands trying to figure out why she wasn't fading away. This time Savitar did a stab to the stomach with kryptonite, so he could pierce her stomach. In her version of reality it was a stab through the heart. So why wasn't she disappearing?

Barry was sobbing with Kara in his arms. That's when he felt it, the gasp for air, Dawn heard it too, using her super hearing. She super sped over to her parents.

"B.A." Kara gasped.

"What?" Barry asked confused. Dawn looked at her sobbing. Kara pulled something from her pockets. She held it to her face. Suddenly her body changed from that of a pregnant woman to that of a dying male with a fedora. Barry and Dawn stared at him shocked.

"Alex." HR called from behind. She turned around. HR's body then turned into the one of a 7 months pregnant Kara. Alex started at her dumbfounded before laughing. She got up and hugged her tightly.

"How?" Alex asked. Kara walked to the ledge looking over the side. "HR switched us, when he came to rescue me." Kara explained.

"When?" Barry asked still holding HR in his arms.

"The coffee." HR told him.

"That's how my order was right." Dawn sniffled.

"Barry, I need you to tell Cisco something for me." HR struggled to say. Barry nodded his head and HR leaned close whispering something. Dawn watched them with teary eyes.

Suddenly HR slowly fell back. "Tell Kara, that she'll be the best mom ever." He said. He took his last breath in Barry's arms.

"No!" Dawn cried out, sobbing. Barry, also crying, wrapped his free hand around his daughters shaking body. She cried into his shoulder, sobbing uncontrollably.


Savitar growled angrily. He thought he had her, he killed her, but no, it was just HR with her face. He screwed up, there was no way he was getting a second chance. He looked down at his fingers which slowly starting to pixelate.

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