The Dawn of Time

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Honestly I felt down for the past couple days. I doubted my writing, which will get better over time. Due to the fact that this is my first story. But, we back baby.

Did you get it? No? Okay, onto the story.

Kara awoke to the feeling of a hand around her. She softly smiled to herself, feeling Barry's warm body against her back. She cuddled close to him, taking in all the warmth he radiated.

Kara felt him wrap his arms all the way around her baby bump. Him buried his face into the crock of her neck. "You're so comfy." He mumbled half asleep. Well, most of him was.

Kara turned, staring into his eyes. "Good Morning to you." She smiled cheekily.

"It is a good morning, I get to wake up with you." Barry smiled. They stared at each other for a moment. "Are we going to talk about it this time." Kara asked, running her hands through Barry's hair.

"We probably should." He groaned, sitting up in bed. "Last night was....... amazing, you are amazing, and I didn't realize before, but Kara, I have feelings for you, actual, heart racing, palms sweating feelings, that I've never felt for anyone before." Barry said looking at Kara.

Kara immediately sat up in bed with the sheet wrapped around her chest. "Barry, what are you saying?" Kara asked. Barry let out a nervous sigh.

"Kara Danvers, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, looking at her with hopeful eyes. Kara stared at him for a moment before a smile broke out on her face.

"Yes." She responded with a large smile.

"Yes?" Barry asked making sure he heard right.

"Yes!" She responded. Barry immediately pulled her closer to him, kissing her. She returned the kiss passionately, Barry pulled Kara's leg over to his side, settling her on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck, as he placed kisses along her neck and chest. The pair spent the rest of the morning in each other's arms.


"James!" Kara called walking into Catco. The CEO turned to look at his best friend. She walked into his office with a pleasant smile on her face. "Well don't you look like the cat who ate the canary." James chuckled.

"Well, I had a good morning." She giggled. James had a feeling why Kara had such a good morning, if the red marks on her skin, almost hidden by her sweater were any consolation. That meant Kara and Barry finally got their head out their asses.

"Alex owes me twenty dollars." James laughed. Kara looked at him confused before brushing it off.

"Anyways, I need your help." Kara said walking towards one of the chair in the office. She placed both hands on her knees and took a deep breath. James folded his arms waiting on Kara to speak.

"I want to tell Lena I'm Supergirl." The Kryptonian spoke nervously. James stared at her, before speaking up.

"Oh Wow, I think that, if you feel in your heart that you want her to know, tell her, Lena is nothing like her family, I think you can trust her." James stated. Kara nodded, standing getting ready to leave.

"Oh and Kara?" James called causing her to stop and turn to him. "Speaking of Supergirl, how is she still stopping criminals?" James asked genuinely confused.

"Oh, that's just J'onn." Kara chuckled.

"Gotcha." James responded laughing. Just as Kara was walking out the office, she bumped into a blonde girl with papers in her hands.

"I'm sorry." Kara told her, bending to pick up papers.

"It's okay." She responded. Both women looked up at the same time into each other's eyes. Kara felt a sense of familiarity but couldn't place it. The young girl on the other hand was staring at Kara, longingly and with excitement in her eyes. Kara tilted her head confused.

"Oh I'm Dawn. Dawn Garrick." She introduced herself.

"Kara Danvers." She smiled.

"Oh I know all about you." The young girl said. Kara looked at her with confusion. Dawn suddenly realized her mistake.

"I mean that I read all of your articles, you inspired me to want to become a reporter . Well you and my aunt, she's a journalist " She said trying to save face. Kara smiled at her.

"You're a reporter? How old are you?" Kara asked.

"She's not a reporter, she's interning. Eve had a family emergency ." James spoke up. Kara nodded. "I have to go. Snapper will have my neck if I'm even a minute late from my lunch break." Kara laughed. James smiled as she walked out the office.


Barry sighed once more, to the annoyance of Cisco HR and Caitlin. He had been in a mood every since he got back. "Seriously not one crime?" Barry asked in exasperation.

"Like the last 10 times you've asked, no Barry." Caitlin responded annoyed, and slightly hungover.

"Dude why are you being so annoying." Cisco groaned throwing his lollipop away. He grabbed another one but HR snatched it out his hands. "Seriously." Cisco glared at him.

Barry groaned again, as Iris walked in.

"What's his problem?" She asked perplexed.

"He misses his lady love." HR chuckled. Barry shot him a glare, and HR smirked.

"Didn't you just get back two hours ago?" Iris asked. Barry stated at her annoyed before speaking up.

"I'm going to Jitters, you guys coming?"

"Sure." Cisco said with a lollipop in his mouth. As the pair walked out the cortex, Caitlin stared in bewilderment.

"Where does he keep getting those lollipops?" She questioned.

"Hm?" HR asked, not hearing what she said due to being caught up in his own stolen lollipop. Caitlin just grabbed her jacket walking after Barry and Cisco with HR on her tail.

1 week later

Barry laid in bed with Kara curled up in his arms. He had been sleeping at her apartment, only going back home for work and being the Flash, Cisco took the night shift as resident hero.

"I think I need a bigger apartment." Kara said out of the blue. Barry looked at her confused.

"For when the baby arrives. They're going to need their own room. A studio apartment is not going to work." Kara spoke.

"Then we start looking for apartments." Barry smiled. "We?" Kara asked with a big smile on her face.

"Yup. For when I'm here ." Barry smiled. Kara leaned in for a kiss grabbing his face. She was falling in love with him everyday, and she wanted it to last forever.


"They don't suspect a thing." Dawn told the man in the shadows.

"Well that's good, you need to somehow reveal yourself to them. But never expose where you're from your true mission." He spoke.

"Yeah because Kryptonian speedsters are a thing. How am I going to explain that?" She responded rolling her eyes.

"Simple, just use your speed, no need for the other, powers." He told her.

"Why do you want me to save her so much?" She asked.

"Because , the future depends on it." The voice said vaguely, turning away, leaving her in the darkness once more.

Filler chapter to help me actually get to the central plot. I'm not proud of it but, whatever. Bye guys.

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