Dawning on Me

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My chapter names are corny, I know. Sue me. I spent all day watching Glee so naturally I'm writing a chapter at 2am. Talk about procrastination.

Kara woke up alone in bed. She sat up confused, wondering where Barry was. She got out of bed, brushing her teeth, while picking an outfit for the day.

By time she had showered and dressed, Barry entered the apartment with a box of donuts in his hands. He smiled at her excited reaction.

"Are those for me?" She asked smiling like a child on Christmas Day.

"An entire box, just for you." Barry responded kissing her cheek.

"Oh my God, you are the best!" Kara exclaimed, grabbing the donuts from Barry.

"Isn't Mon-El the best?" Barry asked.

"Who said that?" Kara questioned.

"You did. Last night, when he brought pizza." Barry told her, amused.

"Mon-El isn't making donut runs at 7 in the morning for his pregnant girlfriend. I like saying that. Girlfriend." Kara gushed, smiling.

"I like hearing you say it." Barry chuckled, grabbing a donut. Kara raised her eyebrows at him, which caused him to pull his hand back.

"Seriously, you're not going to share?" Barry asked whining. Kara thought for a moment .

"Fine." she smiled. Barry grabbed a glazed a donut and bit into it. "What's on the agenda today." He asked mouth full.

"Close your mouth." Kara laughed. "I have to go to Catco, then my check up. Then Game night  on your earth."

"Wait you have an appointment today?" Barry asked.

"Yes, I already told you." Kara said, brushing donut crumbs off her outfit.

"When?" Barry questioned perplexed Kara rolled her eyes, going to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"Last night, when I was getting ready for bed." She told him. Barry skimmed over memories of what happened last week, and could faintly remember Kara saying something about it.

"Well to be fair, I was tired , it was a long day." Barry defended. Kara stared at him before checking the the time.

" I have to get to work, and you've got to get back to earth 1." Kara said running around and grabbing her bag.

"See you tonight?" Barry asked as Kara walked out the door.

"Yes, yes." She responded, turning back to kiss his cheek. "Tonight."

"Lena, can I talk to you?" Kara asked walking into the office. Lena looked up from her computer at Kara.

"Of course Kara, about anything." Lena said moving to the couch. Kara sat down, placing a hand on her stomach. She took a deep breath as Lena stared at her perplexed.

"Are you breaking up with me?" She joked trying to soften the mood. Kara smiled at her, which calmed Kara a little bit.

"I'm Supergirl." Kara said softly. Lena looked at Kara with an expressionless face. Kara took off her glasses and untied her ponytail, letting blonde wave cascade down her shoulders.

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