Chapter 5-The Mines of Moria (cont.) (Edited)

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"You cannot pass!" Gandalf shouted. 

The balrog let out another terrifying roar as it pulled itself to its full height.

"I am the Servant of the Secret Fire. Wielder of the Flame of Anor," claimed Gandalf.

The balrog pulled out its sword to face Gandalf.

"The dark fire will not avail you," said Gandalf as he held out his staff, which was glowing white, in front of him, "Flame of Udón!"

The balrog brought its sword down upon Gandalf's staff causing a great crash and flash of light. The balrog dropped its sword and roared at Gandalf.

Gandalf continued. 

"Go back to the shadow!"

The balrog put its cloven foot onto the bridge and pulled out a fiery whip.

"You shall not pass!" 

Gandalf brought down his staff and sword onto the bridge in one mighty last stand against the balrog.

After seeing that nothing had happened, the balrog smirked, raised his whip and stepped forward foolishly but as he stepped onto the bridge, it collapsed underneath his weight and he fell into the great, dark chasm.

Gandalf turned to walk away, thinking that he had defeated this enemy, but with his back turned he didn't see the whip of the balrog come up and snake around his ankle. Gandalf was pulled back and the last horrifying image the Fellowship saw of Gandalf was him holding onto the edge. Frodo tried to run towards Gandalf, crying out his name, but Boromir caught him.

"Fly you fools," said Gandalf, his last words to the Fellowship.

And with that he was gone.

Time seemed to slow as arrows flew past the Fellowship. They ran outside and the hobbits collapsed onto the ground in despair. All felt the grief of losing their beloved friend and leader.


Aragorn's voice cut into the grief that surrounded the company. 

"Legolas! Salandiel! Get them up!"

"Give them a moment for pity's sake!" replied Boromir.

"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with orcs!" replied Aragorn with authority, "We must reach the woods of Lothlórien. Come, get them up!"

Aragorn reached out to a tearful Sam and lifted him up. Not knowing where Frodo was, Aragorn turned to look for him and was surprised to see him standing off in the distance talking with Salandiel.

She knelt before him. 

"Remember, Frodo," said Salandiel softly, "You already carry a heavy burden. Do not let the grief of losing Gandalf weigh heavy on you as well."

Frodo nodded forlornly. His eyes were filled with such a deep grief, so deep that it terrified Salandiel. She had seen grief like that before. 

Placing her hand on his shoulder, she stood up and slowly led Frodo back to the group.

Although Salandiel felt the loss of their leader keenly, she dared not let one tear run from her eyes. She kept her eyes forward and her face straight. She was a trained soldier who had seen much death in her life. She could not afford to risk this quest because of emotions.

"Salandiel, you bring up the rear. Make sure that no one gets lost or strays off the path," commanded Aragorn.

Salandiel looked at him and Aragorn waited for her response. Was he to be the new leader of their company? Could she follow him as their new leader? 

I have no other choice.

With a respectful nod towards Aragorn, she faced her destination and assumed her position at the back of the line.

No matter who their leader was she still had a duty to fulfil.

Author's Note: Wow! Another long chapter, I wonder if I should start to break up my chapters into smaller pieces. But anyway, you got a bit more of Salandiel fighting. And also, what do you think of her split decision? Who would you have chosen to help in that moment?

Again, please comment or leave a like if you are enjoying this book. I'm always open to constructive criticism.

Much love!

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