Chapter 5-The Mines of Moria (cont.) (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"I think there's more to this hobbit than meets the eye," remarked Gandalf.

Frodo parted his shirt to reveal the Mithril vest hidden underneath.

"Mithril," said Gimli, in awe. "You are full of surprises Master Baggins!"

More screeching was heard behind them and a menacing shadow approached. The Fellowship ran out of the tomb as orcs swarmed behind them.

"To the bridge of Khazad-Dúm!" shouted Gandalf.

The Fellowship followed Gandalf through the vast mines and halls. As they glanced around them they saw thousands of orcs chasing them. Orcs appeared from cracks in the floor, out of the roof and from behind the great columns. Eventually the company could go no further because of the great multitudes of orcs that swarmed to encase them. With weapons drawn the Fellowship could see no escape.

Suddenly a great roar was heard from an archway and they all looked towards a thick, red glow.

"What is this new devilment?" asked Boromir.

The monstrous evil let out another roar and the orcs scattered, leaving the company alone. What was this evil that put fear even into the hearts of orcs?

"A balrog, demon of the ancient world. Its foe is beyond any of you," said Gandalf. He turned and shouted to the company. 


Following the command of Gandalf, they all turned and ran as fast as they could, out of the cavern of columns. Boromir raced down some steps and nearly fell off a ledge if it hadn't been for the quick catch of Legolas.

Gandalf pulled Aragorn aside and commanded him to lead the group to the bridge. As they made their way down the steps in front of them, a roar was heard again. The fiery red glow edged ever closer to the company. They kept running down a staircase until they came upon a gap that was too wide to step over. With a graceful leap, Legolas landed on the other side and beckoned the others to follow him. Gandalf was the first to jump across safely. Arrows flew past them from above, the fiery glow inching ever closer. Time was running out. 

Boromir grabbed a hold of the two hobbits, Merry and Pippin, and jumped across with them. Aragorn proceeded to throw Sam whilst Salandiel threw Frodo to safety. After them Aragorn turned to Gimli.

"Nobody tosses a dwarf!" Gimli said. 

And with that he jumped and nearly didn't make it across if it weren't for Legolas who caught his beard. 

"Mind the beard!" retorted Gimli.

Just as Salandiel and Aragorn were about to jump, a great chunk of the stairs on which they were standing crumbled into the great chasm below them. The gap grew too wide for them to jump across. Another great roar was heard from the entrance, the fiery red glow coming closer and closer. The column on which the staircase stood began to crumble and tumble forward. Aragorn and Salandiel held onto one another as the staircase started to topple.

"Lean forward!" shouted Aragorn.

Fear gripped the heart of Salandiel but she did as she was told and with a mighty crash, the column toppled onto the lower one and Salandiel and Aragorn jumped safely to the other side. They carried on and ran into another room.

"Over the bridge!" commanded Gandalf.

The company flew past Gandalf over the bridge. The flames behind them grew higher and from out of the centre came a great black, winged creature with a horned head. The sight instilled fear into the hearts of all those present. The company, in horror, turned back to find that Gandalf was standing in the middle of the bridge, facing the mighty balrog.

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