Back to compete!

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"Solrock, let's prepare the battlefield, Use Sunny Day!" shouted Tate.

A bright sun is shining on the battlefield.

"Wow! What a display of sync from Tate and Liza!" said the narrator.

"Let's use this to our favor Chandelure! Use Flamethrower on Solrock!" shouted Ingo

"Block that again Lunatone!" shouted Liza.

Due to Sunny Day, Chandelure's Flamethrower breaks through the Light Screen.

"Solrock, use Rock Slide on them!" shouted Tate.

"Dodge it Eelektross!" shouted Emmet.

Both Chandelure and Eelektross are knocked down.

"Now, Liza." said Tate to Liza.

"Okay! Lunatone, Earthquake!" shouted Liza.

Both Eelektross and Chandelure are hit.

"Eelektross, can you continue?" asked Emmet.

"Eelektross!" said Eelektross.

"Chandelure, what about you?" asked Ingo.

"Chande!" said Chandelure.

"Okay, so let's go!" said Ingo and Emmet in sync.

"Chandelure, Psychic!" said Ingo.

Chandelure used Psychic.

"Lunatone, Light Screen!" shouted Liza.

Chandelure's Psychic dodged the Light Screen and went in the direction of Eelektross.

"Go, Now!" shouted Ingo and Emmet in sync.

Chandelure used Psychic to move Eelektross closer to Lunatone and Solrock.

"Eelektross, use Brick Break!" shouted Emmet.

Eelektross' Brick Break broke Tate and Liza's Light Screen.

"Chandelure, Flamethrower on Lunatone!" said Ingo.

"Eelektross, Thunderbolt on Solrock!" said Emmet.

Both moves hit directly.

"Can you continue?" asked both Tate and Liza.

"Sol!" said Solrock.

"Tone!" said Lunatone.

"And the battle is getting closer and closer to the end!" shouted the caster.

"Now, If you want to combine moves, let do this ourselves!" shouted Tate and Liza.

"Lunatone, Icy wind!" said Liza.

"Wait, can Lunatone use that move?" asked both Ingo and Emmet.

Both Eelektross and Chandelure are slowed down.

"Now! Solrock, use Rock Slide!" said Tate.

Both Chandelure and Eelektross are knocked down.

"Lunatone, Earthquake!" shouted Liza.

Both Chandelure and Eelektross are hit.

The crowd look in amazement.

"Chandelure and Eelektross are unable to battle! Tate and Liza are the winners!" said the referee.

"You did great, Chandelure! Get yourself some rest." said Ingo, retrieving Chandelure.

"You worked hard Eelektross, that was my fault... Now it's time for you to rest." said Emmet, retrieving Eelektross.

"You did great guys! Come back and rest for today." said Tate and Liza in sync while retrieving their pokémon.

"We knew you guys would have a unique strat for today, so we taught some new moves for our pokémon too!" said Tate, smiling.

"You guys were in perfect sync today, you deserved the win..." said Ingo, smiling.

"Lunatone is the one that deserves the praise!" said Liza, smiling.

"Ingo is right, you guys were the stronger siblings today... But next time we're going to win for sure!" said Emmet, smiling.

All four laugh.

"What a showmatch! And we're just warming up! We are going to have the Pokémon Showcase in a few moments! And after that we're going to have a pokémon contest for our Pokémon Coordinators out there... And to finish the event... A pokémon battle tournament for our Pokémon Trainers out there!" said the caster.

The crowd is hyped up.

"So... we're up next, Serena! Are you ready?" asked Miette.

"Of course I am!" said a determined Serena.

"So you girls are Pokémon performers?" asked Iris.

"Yes!" said Miette and Serena.

"That's awesome! I'll be here cheering for you!" said Iris.

"Let's go!" said Serena while running to the wainting lounge.

"Wait for me Serena!" said Miette.

"They're such kids!" said Iris.

"Axew..." said Axew.

"For some reason what Serena did just now remembered me of Ash... Weird..." thought Iris

"Maybe because they're little kids, so they act similarly..." thought Iris.

"It doesn't matter anyway!" said Iris while shrugging it off.

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