I shifted the vines a little to the side and slipped inside, making sure to put the vines back in place so as to not draw any suspicion.

All that was inside were a few blankets, batteries, a lamp, food, water and a few old clothes that I found in a dumpster. This was home for me.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I plopped down on the blankets on the ground and ruffled through my bag. I was starving and almost everything in my bag had to be cooked.

I took out a pie that I managed to steal from a bakery and dived in. I ate the pie like I hadn't eaten for days, which was true. I couldn't leave the cave because there were people not too far outside my cave that were searching for a fugitive, that thankfully wasn't me.

I didn't have any food and was able to steal some today. A lot of people would describe my life as depressing and pathetic, but I didn't see it that way. This was the first time that I felt free, despite the fact that everyone was looking for me.

I was alone and on my own. I could do anything, almost anything.

After I finish eating my pie, I relaxed on the blankets and pat my now full stomach. The worst part about being alone was being alone with your thoughts.

I would always wonder what happened to him. I'd often ask myself questions like:

Did he move on?

Did he forget about me?

Is he happy?

Is he with her?

Is he looking for me?

Is he married?

Does he have kids now?

Will I ever see him again?

And the list goes on...

A sense of sadness and despair always washed over me whenever I thought about him, which was like every single day. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about him. Sometimes all I could do was think about him.

No matter what I did or how hard I tried, my thoughts would always betray me. I just couldn't get him out of my mind. I would give anything to see his face once again, even if he was sporting his signature frown that always seemed to be present when I was around.

This wasn't fair. I knew for a fact that it didn't matter to him if I was even dead or alive. And here I was like a fool daydreaming about someone who didn't even give a damn.

"Curse you Moon Goddess" I whispered wiping away a stray tear.

Just thinking about him always made me cry, so you can imagine that I cried every day. The mate bond hadn't been broken which made everything hurt even more. I still loved him and he would never love me back.

"Why couldn't he have just rejected me?" I sighed frustrated.

I know the pain would have been much worse, but at least I probably would have been over it by now. Or I could have gone mad and killed myself already to put myself out of my misery.

Don't even think that I hadn't tried to kill myself before. I have tried countless times and each time, I failed.

There are so many methods that I have tried and each time I would wake up a couple hours later. It was like my powers were mocking me. I didn't want to live, but I couldn't die.

I have tried hanging myself and I even drowned a few times. I've jumped in a volcano before and that certainly didn't do the trick. I suffered third-degree burns from my trip inside the volcano that left me looking hideous for a few days.

I'm never jumping in a volcano again. Also, fun fact, crocodiles are not friendly. I had to learn that the hard way. I was petting the crocodile when he decided to turn me into lunch.

That was by far one of my worst experiences. Lesson well learnt.

It sucked that I was indestructible, but it was also a whole lot of fun. I smiled at all the memories of my crazy adventures that I would have been too scared to go on if not for the fact that I couldn't die.

As soon as my thoughts drifted to that dark day that changed my life, my smile immediately vanished. I always tried not to think about it, again it was impossible not to.

I've been back there once since the incident and everything looked the same as it did the day I destroyed it. I've heard mumblings that there weren't any survivors.

There were a lot of people who feared me and wanted me to pay for what I have done. I wanted me to pay for what I have done. The thought of turning myself in had crossed my mind multiple times, but I just could never work up the courage to do it.

I didn't want to face everyone and own up to what I did. I feared the consequences of my actions and instead resorted in hiding.

I was deep in thought when I heard footsteps and later the shuffling of vines. Someone had found me.

"Who's there?"


Hope you all are having a wonderful day:)

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