Only Going to Make it Worse

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Fuck; the hard ground is not a fun surface to land on.

Having this bulky armor on helped break some of the fall, but it sure wasn't pleasant. Being shot through the air and thrown onto solid rock was not the greatest way to start out this mission. Your whole body felt like it was hot, almost like it was burning, from whatever had knocked you down. Maybe it was an actual fire? Some type of bomb? Obviously, it had been some kind of hot explosion. Attempting to move, you tried tilting your head and reaching your arms up only to realize that you were fully covered in debris and fallen rock. Like completely covered.


Maybe you were in too much in shock to realize all of the weight that was pressed down on you. Only your head was poked out of the rubble on top of you. You let your head fall back and a low groan of pain and frustration left you. How long were you going to be stuck like this? The slits from your helmet didn't allow you to see much. What you could see was cloudy and there was so much noise surrounding you that your brain couldn't comprehend it all.

What had even happened? One second you were yelling at Kylo, and the next you were lying on the ground stuck under piles of material. Had someone purposely aimed at the two of you to try and take you out? It was possible.

Taking a deep breath, you tried to focus your vision and see what the hell was happening around you. There were blurs of white uniforms running around you. Oh, and there was fire. How were there so many flames already? Whoever was firing at you must really hate the First Order if they were already making this big of a deal with things.

You wondered if Kylo had also been blown away when the explosion near the two of you hit. He had been standing right next to you after all, well he was holding your arm, so he must have also been impacted.

But he had all those magical powers of the Force, so he was probably okay.


Oh gods, what if he was hurt?

No, no, no. It doesn't matter. You're better off without him. He hurt you. Physically and emotionally. So badly. You deserved more than what he was willing to offer you. He left you.

But. still...

Wiggling your fingers and toes, you sighed in relief knowing you still had function of them. Starting with your lower body, you did the same moving each part of your legs making sure they all responded. Doing this same process to your whole body, you felt much better about being stuck under all this heavy rock.

As good as you can feel when you're totally trapped.

Knowing your body was okay, adrenaline started coursing through you. Determination to get the fuck up and moving was the only thing pushing you right now. If you stayed in this position any longer, you could very easily be crushed by everything.

Screams and blasts shot through the air making your senses on edge. They were so loud that you knew yelling out for help wouldn't be useful. Your voice would get lost. No one would hear you.

How could you get out of this though? You were kinda out of luck.

It's not like you had some super-human strength that could get you out of this situation.


Closing your eyes, you cleared your mind and then thought 'help'. Over and over again. Desperate that you'd be heard. Desperate to be set free.


It felt like you had been doing it for ages, when in reality it was maybe only for 10 minutes, but you were getting more and more nervous that you were going to get crushed alive.

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