You're Excited

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His hot breath was in your ear as he moaned. You wrapped your arms tighter around his neck as he pulled you in closer to his body. A growl escaped his throat as his lips brushed over yours. Breathing harder, you wrapped your legs around his waist and let your head fall back in ecstasy.

An alarm sounded off in the distance and you held on to him tighter. It was beeping faster. You kept trying to hold on.

Then you woke up.

Well that was a shitty way to end your nap.

Your datapad alarm was beeping on the other side of your room. Hot and frustrated you threw a pillow at it. Yep, that will shut it off.

Leaping out of bed in a huff, you grabbed it off of the chair and shut off the alarm. Chucking it back in the chair you let out a long dramatic sigh.

Why the hell were you suddenly having sex dreams? And really good ones at that.

Who had it been about?

You knew the answer to that question. For once, you weren't dreaming about Damon. The dreams with him in it always were just of the two of you holding hands and talking. Dreams about becoming his girlfriend and falling in love. Like- lovey-dovey stuff.

This dream had been different. Full of passion and yearning.

Angry at yourself and the world for giving you the temptation, you stomped over to the shower and turned on the water. You thought a good shower would maybe help to calm you down. Turning the temperature to blood-melting, you hopped in after stripping down.

The water on your face didn't bring you any relief. You were too hot and sweaty, and the water wasn't helping matters. You cranked it until the water was bone-chilling cold hoping it would freeze your thoughts and the excitement in your body. After a while your hands and feet started to look blue and you shut the water off. Climbing out, you reached for a towel. Wrapping yourself in it, you stared at yourself in the foggy mirror.

Is there any way that he could maybe be attracted to you too? A man in his position?

Staring at your dark under-eye bags and tangled hair, you knew that couldn't be true. Not when people like Kori were on base looking as pretty as she did. You turned around and walked straight over to your bed and crawled in. Laying there with your wet hair and damp towel, you wished for sleep. And, admitting to yourself, you wished for more dreams.

Eventually you drifted off. You had more dreams. In fact, in the nights following that one, you kept dreaming. Every night you dreamt of him; you weren't sure why- you'd only seen him once for god's sake.

You dreamt of his strong hands, his broad shoulders, and towering presence.

You began looking forward to falling asleep each night because you knew you would see him in your dreams. He never had a face in your dreams; but you could hear his voice. Deep and sultry. It was almost comforting knowing you had that consistency in your life. Even if it wasn't real.

It was two weeks before you saw him in person again.

Max had come to see you at the beginning of your shift, as usual, but he had to leave when hordes of troopers had come in after a night training session had gone wrong. You were exhausted as you were getting to the end of your shift. You had been busy all night; but while you were changing the bandaging on the leg of a trooper, you suddenly stopped midway. The trooper lifted his head staring at you, waiting for you to continue.

You didn't know why, but you knew the Commander was in the bay.

Quickly wrapping the rest of the gauze on the injury, you threw him an apologetic look as you got up to leave the room. Walking excitedly towards the examination room that had been destroyed two weeks ago, you stopped dead in your tracks.

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