Only Good Girls

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The boiling hot water burned your skin and you relished the feeling of the droplets hitting against your sore and tired skin. Closing your eyes, flashbacks of last night crossed through your mind making your entire body shudder just thinking about it. The way Kylo's entire hand could fit around your throat and make you scream and moan in pleasure. The way his hands knew your body and exactly what it needed to push you over the edge.

Grabbing the shower wall for support, you felt a burning want for him and his touch and it hit your body making your hands shake. Your clit throbbed in need and you considered aiding that desire. Slowly, you dipped your hand down until it was resting flat on your stomach. Inhaling a deep breath, you leaned against the wet shower wall and propped a leg up near the row of soaps. The water splashed down over your head as your hand made it to your folds. Ever so carefully, you started caressing them and a moan slipped out of your mouth. You pictured your hand being Kylo's as you shut your eyes. Finding your clit, you began in a circular motion and started a rhythm.

Images of Kylo flashed through your mind as you continued masturbating to your own arousal. Shaky breaths left your mouth as your body started climbing towards your climax. Using your other hand, you found your entrance and shoved two fingers in. They were nothing like having two of Kylo's fingers inside of you, but they would have to suffice. The water dripped down your chest down through your legs added lubricant to your fingers. Your leg trembled on the ledge it was propped on and you let your head fall back as a moan left your lips.

You heard a door opening and footsteps enter the room, but you continued massaging and pumping into yourself determined to finish. The door to the large tiled shower opened and Kylo stood there staring at you. A smirk crossed his face as he stared at you. Embarrassment flooded your cheeks as you opened your eyes and stared back at him. You started to take your hands off of yourself, but he quickly opened his mouth to speak.

"Don't stop," he said with a voice filled with lust. His eyes drifted down your wet shaking body and he lazily palmed his erection through his pants, "You look so good like that."

You purred at his words and continued to try and reach your peak. You stared into his deep chocolate eyes that were lit with an eagerness as he raked in your body. Shutting your eyes again quickly, you let out a gasp as you were getting close. So close. Having his presence near you now sent your senses wild and you wanted to reach your orgasm so badly.

Kylo leaned against the doorframe avoiding the stream of water and pulled out his hard cock and began fisting it slowly. You opened your mouth in shock and you were hit with the need to suck on him. You wanted him- no needed him.

"You want this," he said as a statement while he rubbed the shaft in his gloved hand spreading the precum over it.

"Yes," you whined as you drooled looking at him. "Yes, please Kylo."

"Please what?" he said as he began stroking himself faster.

"Yes, please, Commander," you huffed as your vision got blurry from your impending release. "Please, let me have your cock."

"Only good girls who cum get to have this," he said wickedly looking at you with pink cheeks as his lust grew.

This sent your hands into a frenzy and you found your sweet spot within your center and you let out a loud scream of pleasure as it shook your entire body. The climax was sweet and wicked and caused your eyes to flutter as it hit you. You stood there for just a second to enjoy the feeling before you dropped to your knees and crawled across the floor of the shower towards him. You reached the doorway of it and sat up on your knees looking at him and licked your lips.

"Please Comm-"

Before you could finish your plea, he shoved himself into your mouth and let out a hiss of pleasure. You moaned against his thick length and reached up with your wet hands to stroke him. You looked up into his eyes as you sucked in deeply against him. He let out a low moan as he watched your handiwork. You swirled your tongue around him and used both of your hands on his shaft to help your mouth. His eyes shut as he sucked in a large breath of air as he was already getting close. Determined to push him over the edge, you moved your head faster and sucked so hard you thought you might pass out. This did the trick and he growled at you as your throat filled with his entire load.

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