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You shook your head and slowly started to peel off the fabric from his left side. After what seemed like ages, his torso was only covered in the thin inner garment of his ensemble. Trying to hide your blush and nervousness, you bent lower to look at the shoulder socket joint. It looked to be partly out, not fully, as in it was probably forced back into the socket unnaturally.

"Did you already try to pop it back in?" you worriedly asked.

If not properly popped back into place, the joint could continue to dislocate again and again and eventually end up really hurting the body. You knew he probably did, so you weren't sure why you asked.

"Tried to, yes. Obviously, I wouldn't be here if it had worked."

You pursed your lips and nodded. You were failing miserably to not stare at his broad shoulders and tight torso as you looked at his left shoulder. His arms were big enough to crush you without trying. You thought about what he could probably do with arms like those.

Woah cool it there. Calm down.

The red returned to your face again and you got down from the stool. Attempting to clear your mind from your wandering thoughts, you stood in front of him.

He was built like a god. Every inch of his pale skin, that you could see, was gorgeous and utterly perfect. How were you supposed to focus right now? Shaking your head again, you looked up at him.

"Right, okay, so you need to lay down and I'll come on your side and rotate it back into the socket slowly, okay?"

He sat motionless and stared at you. Without thinking you gently pushed on his chest with both of your hands. You felt awkward since you couldn't see his face. It was like talking to a wall and telling it to move.

He sighed and laid back, wincing once he was fully horizontal. You walked over to the counter full of the broken glass containers looking for a syringe to give him some pain medicine. Finding one, you went over to the drawers on the other side to grab the liquid medicine.

"I don't have all fucking night here Red."

What did he just call you? Red?

"What?" you said staring back at him.

Still laying down he growled back, "Hurry up."

Nodding, you hurried back over to him. Why was he calling you Red? That wasn't your name. You weren't wearing red.

"Your face is bright red. Let's get this over with," he said in a bored annoyed tone.

Well great, now the freaking Commander had a nickname for you. And it wasn't even something cute; it was about your damn face and its inability to not blush all the time.

"Right okay," you said faking confidence again. "Do you want any pain meds beforehand? It can be pretty painful once the ligament of your Humerus pops back into place."

He scoffed at you, "Don't mock me girl. I don't need any of that."

Nodding you set the supplies down on the table behind you. Tying your hair up so it was out of your face, you bit your lip. You couldn't remember the last time you tied your hair up for a man who was lying down.

"Okay, I need to grab your arm. Is that okay?"

He nodded and you reached for his bicep while placing a hand on his shoulder. His bicep flexed when you touched it and your cheeks were on fire. Shit his arms were big.

Down girl- calm the fuck down.

Trying to concentrate on the task at hand and not his insane muscles, you began pulling the left arm outwards towards your body. Slowly, you began rotating the arm upwards with your left hand while keeping your right hand on his shoulder joint. Feeling for when the joint was in position, you continued angling his arm upwards.

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