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The medbay smelt like bleach as you quickly pushed open the double doors. You had arrived just barely on time, yet again. An assistant was working the front desk and you smiled at them as you walked around the desk towards the back. You set your datapad down next to the coffee machine with a sigh of relief and hit the brew button.

Your stomach grumbled as you waited for the coffee to begin its drip into your favorite mug. Ignoring your stomach, you picked up the datapad again to look up any incoming appointments for the night. As usual, there was no one scheduled to come in. That was the great thing about working night shift.

Most nights you were just on rounds checking on the patients that had come in during the day. You switched out fluid bags, checked on wounds and changed the bandaging, and gave out pain killers. The patients slept through most of your shift, which made it a pretty quiet time.

Every now and then stormtroopers would come back from a mission late and you'd have to meet them in the loading zone to help assist with immediate emergencies. Those luckily didn't happen too often. Or sometimes there'd be incidents with the engineers and things blowing up, but again, not that often.

Growing up, you knew you wanted to help people. You weren't exactly sure what you wanted to do though, but the decision to go medical school seemed like the right thing to do and you went with it.

Kori had always been good with computers and programming. Unlike you, she immediately knew what she wanted to do in the future. Of course, she had her whole life planned out. Miss Perfect.

As the tension grew between First Order and the Resistance, you knew you would be able to find work there; as terrible as it sounded. Whenever there was hate and fighting happening, there was going to be a job for a medic.

Although you had been encouraged to pick a side, it didn't feel right in your gut. You wanted to help heal people no matter what side they were fighting for. Unfortunately, that wasn't a popular opinion. Picking a side felt like a requirement; a completely unnecessary one.

In school you grew excited to hear about the rising need for medics and after graduation, you followed Kori to work for the First Order. They had offered to teach you combat skills so you could become a medic out in the field, but you immediately shut that down.

Picking up a blaster and shooting down a complete stranger didn't seem okay to you. No matter what side they were fighting for, they were still a person. Plus, you liked the consistency of working on Starkiller base and knew that you were safe there.

When you had finally made the decision to work on the base, you were nervous because you didn't know anyone there other than Kor. She was older and had been working there for two years before you.

On your first day of the job, you had walked into the bay with your crisp grey scrubs and waited at the front desk for instruction. Minutes went by and you had continued to stand there like an idiot waiting to receive instructions from someone else. Big mistake.

Suddenly, you had heard a blood-curdling screech that scared you shitless. Adrenaline running through your body, you followed the yell to the back to find a tall young medic kneeling on the ground holding a cloth to a wounded stormtroopers' chest.

In a trance, you stared wide-eyed as the medic began shouting at you to grab supplies. In a blur you started grabbing gauze, disinfectant, and more rags and squatted down next to the solider. For one quick moment, you had stared into the medic's eyes as he stared into yours. You felt the heat in your cheeks rise up and immediately looked back down.

Together, you were able to stop the bleeding and transferred the patient to a bed. Standing there still in shock, you were frozen to the ground staring at the mess of cloth around you. There was blood everywhere and your new clean scrubs were covered in it.

The other medic walked over and ripped off his glove. Sticking out his hand, he grabbed yours to shake it.

"Thanks for the save kiddo, my name is Damon."

From that day on, you worked side-by-side with him and learned everything about the base's medbay. With each day your feelings for him continued to grow but you were too much of a coward to act on them.

He had dark brown hair that framed his face with a strong jawline. His eyes were kind and his smile was contagious. Not to mention his deep husky voice that gave you shivers when he talked. How were you not supposed to fall in love with him? With each passing day, your pining for him grew. It was getting ridiculous.

That was until Kori came to visit you after her shift.

She had walked in wearing her dark control center uniform and with a cup of coffee. You had run out to greet her from the back and threw your arms around her. Damon had followed you out from the back to see what you were fussing about.

He stopped dead in his tracks looking at Kor and you immediately felt a pang of hurt in your chest.

"Damon, this is my sister Kori. Kor this is Damon, my...uh" your voice had trailed off because you weren't sure what to call him.

Coworker? Friend? Secret love interest?

He reached out to grab Kori's hand and shake it all while still staring at her with his mouth wide open. You had never felt so awkward but tried to remedy the situation with a nervous laugh; breaking their trance towards each other.

Damon gave her a tour of the bay with you following close behind the pair of them chiming in when necessary.

By the end he sheepishly looked at her and said, "Hey, would you want to grab some food sometime?"

Embarrassment flooded your cheeks. How could you be so stupid? You tried to remind yourself that you should have known this would happen. Kori had always gotten what she wanted. Even the boys that you had liked first!

But like the good person that you were, you shut up and silently watched them fall in love for the next few months. It was honestly torture.

It would be nice to say that you were over him by now, as it had been so long ago, but it still hurt your heart just enough to bug you. Obviously, you had never told Kor; how could you? You didn't even know what you would have said to her.

Hey by the way I think I love your boyfriend, mind if I take him for myself? That would never happen

The door to the backroom swung open bringing you back to the present and you turned around from the coffee maker startled.

A tall slim man appeared and stared at you with a grin on a face while he put his hands on his hips.

"Hey cutie, what's popping?"

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