[24] Life Changing

Start from the beginning

"No, no, no, no." Madi whispered panicking that this was Scott's doing. They quickly jumped out of the car.

"Dad?" Stiles asked looking around for his dad. Madison heart dropped into her stomach realizing Sheriff Stilinski was no where in sight.

"Dad?" Stiles grabbed someone thinking it was his dad. Someone grabbed him from behind. "Has anyone seen my dad?"

"Stiles," Madi said grabbing his hand seeing his face visibly pale. "It's not him." She said has he dragged her towards the body. "It's can't be him." She whispered, Stiles thankfully not hearing her.

Stiles stared at the body under the sheet, both of them noticing the hand that was handing off the side that looked mangled and had blood all over it. Madi opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Please don't let it be his dad.

"Stiles? Madi? What are you doing here?" They heard making them turn around. Madison felt the heavy weight lifted off her chest seeing the Sheriff.

Stiles let go of her hand and rushed into his fathers arm, hugging him tightly. Madi smiled slightly knowing Stiles's family was safe. But then her smile faded realizing she still didn't know where her brother was.

After talking to Stiles and the Sheriff a deputy took her home since stiles wanted to stay with his dad, which was understandable.

"Thank you." She said to the deputy stepping out of the car. She walked into her house, hoping Scott was there.

She closed the door and turned around and froze. She stared at the person in front of her before her impulse got the best of her and she ran up to him, hugging him.

"Oh thank god. You're alive." She sighed as Derek stood there confused. "You are the only one who can stop Scott on the full moon, it's official."

She broke the hug and looked at Derek, her happiness turning into confusion.

"By the way, how are you alive?" Madi asked.

"I have my ways, cupcake." He said before leaving through the door. Madison stared at the door in shock.

"Never in a million years would I be happy to hear him call me that." She muttered to herself hearing fast steps down the stairs making her turn around.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm a terrible brother and shit friend. I'm sorry." Scott rambled.

Madi  shook her head and wrapped her arms around him. "It's okay." She said making him sigh in relief, relaxing into the hug, letting a few tears that had he had been holding in for awhile go.


Madison was in the drivers seat, driving Dereks Porsche. Why did Derek give her the keys out of all people?

"Faster?" She asked Stiles who sat next to her, Scott in the back. Stiles looked behind them seeing the car that was following them, the people obviously thinking it was Derek.

"Much faster." Stiles answered making Madi push her foot down on the gas. She swerved the car back and forth on the road to hopefully lose the stupid car behind them.

"What the hell!" She yelled glancing at the car behind them in the rearview mirror. "Go away!" She yelled pushing her foot harder the gas.

"Hey Madi I don't think you're grasping the concept of a car chase here." Stiles started.

"You want me to go faster?" Madison asked annoyed.

"Yes!" Both of them yelled. Madi scoff and pushed her foot fully on the gas making the two boys fall back from the new speed.

"Woah, not that fast! You're gonna kill us!" Scott yelled.

"Both of you shut the hell up or I will purposely crash this car." Madi yelled not slowly down. Stiles looked behind them.

"They're gone." Stiles said making Madi looked through the mirror, not seeing a car. Stiles turned on his police radio that he stole.

"All units, suspect is on foot heading into the iron works." They heard through the radio. They boys looked at Madi who kept her eyes on the road, turning toward the iron works.

She speed into the iron works, stopping short seeing Derek on the ground making the boys flew forward due to the sudden stop.

Stiles opened his door, "get in!" He yelled to Derek moving into the back next to Scott. Derek ran into the car, Madi immediately pressing on the gas and driving out.

They felt the car get hit by bullets making Madi flinch, speeding out of the iron works.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Madi yelled at Derek who was sitting next to her.

"Damnit I had him!" Derek exclaimed angrily.

"Who the alpha?" Stiles asked as Madi sped down the road.

"Yes! He was right in front of me and the friggin' police showed up." Derek said with anger.

"Woah, hey they're just doing their jobs." Stiles defended his dad making Derek glare at him. Stiles shrunk into the back seat in fear.

"Yeah thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state." Derek said glaring at Scott.

"Can we please get passed that?" Scott asked. "I made a dumbass mistake I get it!"

"All right!" Madi said getting annoyed that this conversation was getting nowhere. "How did you find him?" She asked glancing at Derek, not getting response.

"Can you try to trust us for one second?" Scott asked.

"Yeah the three of us." Stiles said making Derek glare at him.

"I already trust Madi, you think I would of given her the keys to my car if I didn't?" Derek asked.

"Okay fine, just trust Madi. We'll be back here." Stiles said pushing Scott back.

"Look the last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris." Derek explained making Stiles head pop back into the front.

"Our chemistry teacher?" He asked.

"Why him?" Scott asked.

"I don't know yet." Derek answered.

"What's the second?" Scott asked.

"Some kind of symbol." Derek said taking a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolding it showing a drawing.

Madi looked at it and recognized it immediately. She quickly glared at Scott who closed his eyes in annoyance, recognizing it too."

"What? You know what this is?" Derek asked the twins.

"We've seen on a necklace." Scott said. "Allison's necklace." He said as Madi pushed on the gas further in annoyance at her friend, once again, being stuck in the middle of their problems.

Authors note
Hope you enjoyed this chapter let me know!

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