the lost hero trio is elite shut up

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The meeting was held that night. There had been an incident during a spar between Holly and Laurel, the new campers of what was soon to be cabin 17, Nike, but were currently residing in cabin 11, and both Will and Chiron needed to tend to them. It had taken far too long, in Nico's opinion. What was the point of godly food with natural demi-god healing properties if it took 2 hours to reach its full effect?

Chiron also wanted to postpone slightly to allow Rachel time to make it back from Camp Jupiter, because he decided that it was important news for the Oracle of Delphi. Will suspected he hoped it would had her back into a prophetic haze, but Nico thought that it was a long shot, and also most likely completely unrelated. Chiron was frantic, however, so they thought it best to appease him. She would go back the next morning, as it was easy enough for her to catch a helicopter ride and be back at Camp Jupiter as soon as she was needed.

Either way, it gave Nico plenty of time to pace around his empty cabin, first angry, then sad, then, what stuck with him, royally pissed off. He replayed the scroll, listening to the stupid message over and over again, trying to understand what had been cut out, and put the missing pieces together. He got nowhere, but it gave him something to do.

Then Will had come to find him, and told him that Holly and Laurel were sleeping it off, and Chiron wanted to speak to the both of them before he arranged any meeting.

So Nico complied. He met with Chiron, showed him the scroll, and scheduled a "war meeting," though he supposed this was merely the after effects of a war, for after dinner, while the other campers were at the bonfire.

Nessa and Jake were the only campers who were told what was about to happen before hand, so they could prepare themselves. They had brought little Harley to the meeting, but no one complained, or mentioned it, because they all knew the poor boy deserved a front row seat. They both arrived quietly crying.

All of the camp counselors had crammed inside the rec room, some choosing to take their seats at the ping-pong table, others leaning skeptically against the walls. They knew nothing of why the meeting had been called, just that they had also been asked to bring a sibling, a second in command. It was necessary that the most important members of each cabin had the information needed to explain to their campers, some of whom were as young as 5, and barely understood the concept of death, let alone someone coming back from it.

Clarisse la Rue was positioned in the corner of the room closest to the table, next to her brother, Sherman Yang, who looked ruffled, as if he had just woken up, even though it was nearly 9pm.

Annabeth had settled in next to both Percy and Piper, with Malcolm against the wall behind her, his hands in his pockets and his head down, and Nico noted that he looked as if he had just been told his goldfish had died.

Jason was on the other side of Piper, Drew being as far away from everyone crowded around the table as possible.

Connor and Travis Stoll were seated at the table, carefully inspecting something under it, scheming and giggling quietly.

Holly and Laurel, looking good as new, were standing around the rec room's nacho cheese machine, arguing loudly as they played rock paper scissors for who got the first taste.

Nico and Will had arrived last with Chiron, and the scroll, and took the seats across from Annabeth and Piper. On Nico's other side was the one and only Oracle of Delphi; Rachel Dare.

"Hey," Will said softly to Nico, quietly enough that in the chaos of the room, it was likely that only they could hear. "I know now's not the right time, but-"

"If you know it's not the right time, why would you even try?" Nico said coolly, staring ahead, before giving in and turning towards Will with a smirk and a nod. "Go ahead."

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