Ch. 41

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"You shouldn't have traverse the path leading here so quickly..." Chisaki told Mirio.

"I took a shortcut... And I'm here to take them into my custody." Lumillion proclaimed, his eyes glaring at the man before his eyes met Hydra's blue ones.

The bluenette seems to be analyzing the situation.

And as much as she wanted to help, there are two presence hiding in the shadows not so far away.

So, the blue haired girl gazed away from the intern hero.

Indicating that she can't be any help as of the moment.

She don't know the quirk of the hero before her, and she don't know the quirks that are waiting behind the blond.

So, even if she have a strong quirk. It'll be rendered useless if someone have a quirk to go against hers, and she couldn't risk that.

"So, you understand the circumstances... You're acting like a bona fide hero, Mr. 'Student'. You turned a blind eye that time, didn't you? And the Mizunomu had halted the two of you from your movements... They don't want to be in your custody." Overhaul reminded the scene back when Eri had ran away.

"That is why I came here." Lumillion answered.

"There's no getting through you is there? Let me put it in simple terms." The raven haired man turned around with Hydra still in his arms, knife pointed at her neck.

"Die." The man just said and pushed the blue haired girl to continue their walk.

While Chrono was following behind with the white haired kid in his arms.

The blond hero was about to ran after them when his movements were suddenly off balance.

As if he was drunk.

"Hyahyahyahya! Feelin' a bit tipsy, are we~?" Someone drunkly asked Mirio from the ceiling.

It was one of the eight Cleansing Salvo, Deidoro Sakaki. Who is currently drinking some sake like he always do.

"Me too! That's why I can't walk on the ground! Don't come too close to me~! You'll catch my buzz!!" The man stated while drenched in the alcohol he was drinking.

Much because he was drinking it upside down.

Just as Lumillion had analyzed the situation, someone had tried to shoot him with a gun.

Which the blond hero was able to dodge despite his lack in his sense of balance at the moment.

When another shot was fired, the bullet phased through the hero because of his quirk.

"What kind of quirk is that?" Shin Nemuto asked, one of the Cleansing Salvo as well.

"While my 'Permeation' is in effect, everything will slip right through me!" Mirio answered and was baffled when he did so.

He realized that his mouth had answered on it's own.

It seems to be the effect of Shin's quirk.

"I was wondering where you appeared from... I see. So that's how you got past Mimic and the others." The man had concluded.

Meanwhile, while walking, Overhaul decided to ask Hydra a question.

"Mizunomu-sama... You're a powerful being and that hero behind us seems to be capable as well. I'm curious as to why didn't you tried to fight and escape... Not that I don't mind you obliging without a fight." The raven haired man asked, the point of his knife was pointed right at the bluenette's throat.

"My stay here is as restricted as a hostage, Chisaki. I know close to nothing about your men and if I were to move without a plan or without any caution... I'll be risking mine or Eri's life." The blue haired girl answered that made the said man hum in agreement.

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